Sickness Bug ; 41

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The next day —

The time is precisely 5am.

I've been up nearly all night with Lana...she took a turn for the worse during the night. I think she has a cold or something. She isn't throwing up but she is showing all the symptoms of a cold, snotty nose, shivering, coughing...she is irritated. It sucks seeing her this way. I think this is the first time she's had a sickness. I mean she has no need to get sick since she is always wrapped up, plus she always is in her pram when she goes out. I don't let anyone I don't know even go near her. Lately it has been a bit cold though, maybe she needs to have a blanket when we go out now?

I rest my head against her shoulder and lightly rub her back, every now and again she quietly cries obviously feeling like shit. "It's okay..." I whisper softly as I sit down on the sofa in her room and close my eyes. Her room is relaxing, cream sofa and very light wooden brown furniture. It just matches. "No" she whines.

I don't know what exactly I should do. I'm not even completely sure that if she's even old enough to take the kids medicine that I got given by Syd, when I thought Lana had a flu last month — ​she didn't.

That's when the door creeks open and Dan walks in. He looks fresh faced and happy, unlike me. He is also ready...​which is rare. ​I'm guessing he needs to be at the studio or something? We're back in South London again. I don't know how long we're here for, but Dan's parents are a total help. My parents can't stand kids, Lana to them is like the devil or some shit. They get nannies to look after her — as soon as I found out me and Dan went mad. She needs family and people she knows...not strangers.

Dan's never up this early, "how are my favourite girls?" He thinks he is funny. Sure, Dan seems innocent and cute...​but at time like these him being all happy and jokey is not what me and Lana needs. ​​"She's got a cold." As soon as I say that Lana sneezes, jolting her whole body slightly upwards, before loudly crying.

"Oh babe..." Dan sympathetically says as he crouches down on the floor next to us, and strokes her cheek as I hold her like a newborn again. "What time do you think the doctors open?" I ask as Dan shrugs his shoulders back, "I'm not sure. I'll go online in a bit and text you." ​Text me...m​ust be studio day.

"Dan she's ill. I've got a interview today..." the interview is for the switch over. Kitty's is becoming mine, legally, and the interview is basically me introducing myself via Skype to all of my workers and shit. I'm still not sure. I don't even want this business.

"You said it...she's ill. Another opportunity for this big 'interview' will come." With that I look at Dan in shock. "Says you who has a job. Dan...I can be making millions like you, don't let me fuck up my dad's coffee chain on the first day." I hiss feeling pissed off. This one time I'm asking Dan for help and he still can't be there to look after ​our ​daughter. "I'll call up Syd then?" Dan totally ignores my comment. I on the other hand know that I've got to speak up, "when you're ill I've got to look after you like I'm your mom! She's a baby still Dan...she needs one of us to look after her. Not her aunt..." with that Dan sighs.
"I'll take her to the studio then. It's all good, I want them lot to get ill so I can spend time with you two." ​How romantic?

I pass Lana's cold body towards Dan and he takes her gently. "Good girl..." I whisper as Lana sniffles again. "I'll get some tissues..." I whisper knowing that she most likely is going to throw up. I quickly walk out of Lana's room...probably feeling shittier then when I first came in to check on her.

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