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Kenny's Pov

Great! My roommate or should I say former roommate Jay has moved out of my house, leaving me and my dog name Joey (who was nicknamed after famous youtuber Joey Graceffa) behind. Anyways What am I suppose to do?

Jay moved out because he was given a new job in New York so after accepting the job, Jay packed the next day and then the day after that he said his goodbye and left. He and I are keeping contact since he was an okay roommate he used to be good but since he moved out he's okay.

Anyways since he moved out, It just leaves me in my room and empty rooms. I look into my drawers and grabbed the "rent" sign. Once I got it I go outside and hanged the sign up in front of my house. After that I go inside, only to see my dog Joey was jumping up and down. Either joey is hyper or there's a skype call. I go to my room only to see there's a skype call on my laptop. I sit down on my bed, grabbed my laptop and answer the skype call only to see it was one of my best friends, Jason.

"Hey Ken" Jason waved.

"Hey Jason, what's up?"

"Not much since I'm stuck with Gil at his place, you"

"I have to find a new roommate since Jay moved out"

"Are you serious? Another roommate gone! Are you that bad of a roommate?"

"Hey I take that as offense!"

"Just Kidding, Kenny," He laughed. "So you're finding a roommate?"

"Yeah. I just put the sign up."

"Aye! Well I gotta go. Gil's being an asshole!"

"Alright talk to you soon, Jason."

I end the skype call and put my laptop aside. I sigh and rubbed my eyes, it wasn't long until Joey showed up jumping on my lap and start licking me.

Awwww a little puppy to cheer me up after a roommate leaves and ending a skype call with Jason.

I play with Joey for a little bit but then Joey fell asleep, leaving to watch youtube videos of random things like youtubers, favorite singers and guitars tutorials until it's late at night and I have to sleep since I gotta work tomorrow and lord knows what happens if I come to work late

I hope I get a new roommate soon or two. I mean I live alone now with just my dog.

It would be nice to talk to someone and enjoy someone's company I just wish...


After thinking a lot about it and talking to people about it, I finally decide to post it

Special thanks to those who I have talked to. Thanks you guys for giving me the boost to post it :)

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