First Day

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Dinah's Pov

I could hear the sound of Mila's alarm through my wall. I quickly grab on to my pillow and covered my ears with it, trying to go back to sleep but all fails. I was really sleepy especially since last night.


"Girls if this is going to work we need to change a few things." Ally said.

"As along as it doesn't change me not wearing bows and loving Ed Sheeran." Camila said then sticking her tongue out a little.

"We all have something to change so let's start it." Normani said.

We all select what's to change I chose to dye my hair the bottom tips and wear caps. Camila chose to curl up her hair really curly. Ally agreed to dye her hair a little brown. Normani chose to get extentions to make her hair more curly on the bottom. Lauren decided to straight her hair. Once we were done selecting. We all decided to do these things tomorrow.

*Flashback ended*

It was too late when we decide what to do. Since Mila's alarm woke me up it's too early to get up C'mon it's 7am no one gets up unless they have school or work.

Slowly I was going back to sleep until I hear the door open. I raise my head to see it was Normani.

"Hey Dinah, get up we gotta go." she said.

I cover myself with my blankets. "No! Up later sleep now."

I hear the door open again "Is she getting up?" turns out to be Camila.

"No she wants to sleep. she must've heard your alarm." Normani said.

"You got that right, Sherlock." I say as I continued to cover myself with my blankets.

"Dinah get up. we gotta get the stuff now." Normani said.

I feel the blankets being pulled and off of me. "C'mon get up." Camila says then throws a pillow on me.

"Fine Fine I'll get up," I say while getting up. "Let me change."

Normani's Pov

The girls and I waited for Dinah to hurry up.

Since we all woke up to get the stuff we needed.

Finally after a few minutes, Dinah shows up.

"What took you so long?" Lauren asked.

"Sorry but I need my sleep." Said Dinah.

We all head to a hair salon to get what we needed for our disguise.

When we got there, Ally said "Remember what we came to get."

After 2 hours, we were done with what we got and so far we look good, it was like we took it to the next level of our lives.

We all head back to our new place only to see Kenny was on the couch flat on her back while Joey was on her, licking her face.

Kenny looks up to see us "Oh hey girls." she says, while rubbing joey's chin.

"How long have you been up?" I asked while the girls went to their seperate ways.

"I've been up for 10 minutes just to feed joey and play with him." she said while joey started licking her hand.

"You really love your dog." I said, while looking at joey.

"He's all I got." She said, low.

"That's not true. you have your guy friend." I pointed out.

"Not really he has his points on me." she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

She stayed quiet then put joey down gently. "I gotta get going." She said then getting of the couch and going to her room.

Kenny's Pov

I close the door after talking to Koredi

Maybe I shouldn't have walked out but I got nervous plus I don't know Kordei or the girls very well or if I should trust them on anything.

Trust is an issue for me because I've been lied to a lot in the past so it's hard for me to trust anyone completely.

I was laying down on my bed when I heard a knock on the door and the door open. I look up to see it was Michelle. "Hey."

"Hey I just wanted to check up on you." she said then came in and closed the door once she was in.

"I'm guessing you heard my conversation with Kordei." I said as I sat up.

"Just about how joey is all you got." she said, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"He is all I got." I explained.

"Why?" Then put her hand on my hand, rubbing it.

I look at her then her hand touching mine it was like a trust touch.

But can I trust her or the girls...

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