Saying Goodbye

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Kenny's Pov

A gun shot fired 5 times, I looked down to see blood on me and as for him nothing

I punched him as hard as I could which made him drop the gun

I shot him more than once as blood streamed out of him and he laid down there dead

I dropped the gun near him and I fell down to the floor

The girls and Brian rushed to me as I was down

"Kenny" the girls said as they put their hand on where I was shot

"It's okay, girls" I told them as I felt weak

"Bro, don't die on me" Brian said, as he ripped his shirt and put it on where I was shot

"I would have told you the same, Brian" I said and coughed blood out

"We need to take you to the hospital" Ally said

"Girls, it's time" I told them

"No Kenny you can't die" Alex said

"You're so young. Don't die" Dinah said

"Girls, I risk my life for you and now you'll have peace" I told them

"Not without you" Normani said

"We need you to stay" Lauren said

"Don't die, Kenny please" Camila said, as tears formed

"Take care of Joey, girls. I love you" I said as I closed my eyes only to see black now


"Girls, stay still" I say, trying to get the shot

"We can't if Joey is licking us a lot" Lauren tells me as Joey jumps on her

"Okay. One more shot" I tell them

"Wait!" The girls yelled

I looked at them, wondering what is it

"Be in the shot, Kenny. It wouldn't be a memory without you in it"

I smiled and joined them in the shot which instead of it being one last shot it became more shots

"I love you girls" I gave them a hug

"We love you too" they say, making me smile more knowing they love me too

*Flashback Ended*

Camila's Pov

"We need to go to the hospital now"

"They're here" Lauren said, pointing to the cops and ambulance arriving

"What happen here?" One of the officers spoke

"We need our friend to go to the hospital now!" I yelled

"Young lady calm down" one of the officers said

Lauren hugged me as tears stream down my face

The ambulance took Kenny and Brian to the hospital and as for Josh, he escape like he didn't want to be here

The girls and I went to the hospital to see if Kenny and Brian were alright. I prayed, hoping Kenny is still alive

We waited in the waiting room and Brian showed up with bandages

"Any word about Kenny?" Dinah asked Brian

"No they wouldn't let me see her"

We waited and as we waited we all prayed, praying Kenny was alive and well

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