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Ally's Pov

I covered my mouth as the gas was around, now it was quickly fading

I walked along to find someone until...

I felt someone grab me tight

I moved a lot, trying to escape from them

That was a mistake when I felt something hit my head causing me to blackout

As I was out, I got carried away

They got me now..

Normani's Pov

I held onto Alex as the gas was around until I notice someone walking and carrying someone

The person was small Wait that's Ally

"Alex, hide. I'll be back but if I don't come back. I love you." I said, then kissed her forehead.

"I love you too." Alex said, then hid somewhere

I ran to where Ally was and pushed the person trying to grab her

I pick up Ally and took her back to where I was.

As for the one who was down, rushed out of the house.

Soon the gas faded away.

Kenny's Pov

The gas was all gone but left things broke on the ground

I look around and see Lauren laying on the floor.

"Lauren!" I rush to her and checked on her.

I checked her pulse, she's still alive

"Girls!" I screamed.

I see the girls come out all but Camila.

I picked up Lauren and placed her on the couch

"Where's Camila?" I asked the girls.

"The gas was too much I didn't see a thing." Dinah said.

"Kenny, someone was here." Normani said, who was holding Ally who is knocked out.

"Normani saw someone trying to take Ally." Alex said.

'They were here which means they took Camila'

"Damn it!" I smack the wall.

Dinah's Pov

I put my hand on Kenny's shoulder to calm her down.

"Kenny we'll get Camila back." I said

"Girls." We turn to see Ally was awake.

"Ally!" Normani said and pulled her in a tight hug then pulled away after.

"Ally, did you see anything when the gas came?" Kenny asked

"Someone in a gas mask." Ally said, then coughed a little. "He got pissed when I tried to get away but when he pulled me back I got this." then revealed a tear of clothing, showing a symbol

I looked at it, closely and it looked famillar

"Kenny!" We all turn to see it was her friend.

"Brian I thought you left." Kenny said.

"Bro I saw a car with one of the girls in, she knocked out, Bro!" he said

"Brian, did you see it's plate?" Kenny asked

Brian took out his phone and showed the picture of the plate.

"Girls, we need to go now!" Kenny said, grabbing the keys.

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