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Before I start the story I just want to say thank you to all who read this book it means a lot that you guys read it and like it.
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and
To @lexlex14

Who requested to be part of the story this one is for you I hope you like it :)


Kenny's Pov

The Next Day

I took a day off because I'm pretty sure Josh is going to try and talk to me like yesterday. I was on my laptop in the kitchen when I heard a door open.

I turn around to see Brooke coming.

"Morning." she said as she fixed her hair.

"Morning." I said, looking at her then back at my laptop.

"How are you?" she asked as she was serving herself a drink.

"I'm okay, you?" I said, looking away from my laptop to look at her.

"Little tired because you know last night." she said then took a sip of her drink.

"Cake fights." I still remember.

"Yeah," she nodded. "I thought you were going to work today?" she asked.

"I decided to take a day off." I said as I was adjusting my beanie.

"Let me guess trouble over there." she said, taking another sip of her drink.

"Something like that." I nod.

Me and Brooke talked for a little bit, we got to know each other a little more better which turns out we have some things we never thought about the other would do.

"Wait you could really do that?" she asked.

"Yeah I just close my mouth and do it." I explain. (A secret talent)

As we were talking, Karla shows up and says, "Brooke we gotta go."

Brooke gets up from the chair she was sitting.

"We'll talk later, Kenny." she says and smiles before leaving me alone with Karla.

"You and Brooke had a lot to talk." Karla looked at me, smiling.

"We got to know each other better." I smiled back.

"I can tell. You two talked a lot." She pointed.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"Me and the girls are going to go around the city and look around." she then looked down. "Do you want to come?" she asked.

"Um no thanks. You girls go ahead. I have to finish something up." I pointed my laptop.

A few doors open and the rest of the girls came out.

"Karla! Are you out here?" Michelle yelled.

"In the kitchen!" Karla yelled.

The rest of the girls came to the kitchen, to see me and Karla together.

"Hey Kenny nice to see you up." Jane said.

"Hey Jane, Kordei, Michelle. Good morning." I nod.

There came that slience with all of us.


"Well we have to go. We'll see you later." Kordei said as the girls head to the door.

"You girls have fun!" I yelled.

"You too." They yelled before walking out that door.

Joey comes and jumps on my lap.

"It's just you and me." I said as I pat joey on the head.

Camila's Pov

There's also something else that Kenny doesn't know.

Me and the girls have adopted someone before we fully moved in.

Today the girls and I are going to pick up our new kid. We arrived at the location where we adopted our new kid.

Me and Dinah waited outside in the car for Lauren, Normani and Ally while they went to get our kid at the location we were at.

After what felt like a long time, they come back and with our new kid.

"Finally you show up." Dinah says as the rest of the girls got in the car with our child.

"Sorry but some forms need to be sign so we could get our kid." Lauren said as she hugged our new daughter name Alex.

"She's lucky she's cute." Dinah says as she started the car and drives.

"Now Alex there's some things you need to know about our roommate Kenny." I explained.

"What is it?" Alex asked.

"Kenny doesn't know about us being Fifth Harmony or our real names." Ally said.

"Why not?" Alex asked.

"Simon told us to keep ourselves to the name we chose just to be safe." Normani said.

"This is only until we're safe then we go back." I said.

Alex asked more questions as we drove back to the house.

She said she won't tell Kenny anything about us being famous.

We arrive back at the house we go inside to see Kenny in the kitchen watching a video on the laptop and with joey on her lap.

But joey sees me and gets off her lap and goes to me.

Kenny turns around and sees us. "Oh hey girls."

"Kenny, can we talk to you?" I asked as Dinah took Alex to one of our rooms.

"Yeah what's up?" Kenny says, looking at us.

"We adopted someone." Lauren says.

"Oh okay." Kenny said.

"You're not mad?" I asked.

"No I'm not. I'm okay with you girls adopting someone." Kenny said as she closed her laptop.

"That's good." I said as I looked at Lauren.

Alex's Pov

The place isn't bad it's actually quite nice, Way better than the center.

The girls were in the kitchen so I decided to look around the place.

Each room was like good and then better but as I was looking I bumped into someone.

"Woah careful." A voice that wasn't the girls.

I looked at the person and I didn't know who they are. Maybe this is Kenny.

"Sorry I was looking at the rooms." I said, as I adjust myself.

"It's okay. You must be the new kid the girls adopted." She said.

"Yeah I'm Alex." I looked at the person.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kenny I don't know if the girls told you." She said.

"Yeah they told me about you." I said.

"Oh did they." she said.

"Yeah they did."

"Well nice to meet you Alex. I hope we get to know each other better." she said then went to her room.

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