Coming Back

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Ally's Pov

It's been 4 days since Kenny found out about us and left.

No one knows where she is.

Each of us has called her but no luck she doesn't answer, always voicemail.

So right now the girls and I are in the kitchen having a discussion until the door opened.

We all turn to see Kenny has returned which made joey jump and run to her.

Kenny picks up joey and looks at us. "Nice to see you girls." then goes to her room.

When she was in her room, she closes the door.

The girls and I looked at each other.

"Should we talk to her about what happen?" Normani said.

"If we're willing to take that risk." I pointed out.

"I'll talk to her." Camila said, getting off her seat and going to Kenny's room.

I sigh as I looked at the girls.

"What do we do about the one threating us?" I asked.

Kenny's Pov

I played with joey for a bit when I got a phonecall.

I look at the phonecall and smiled then answered it.

"Hey, didn't think I'd hear from you" I said as I hold my phone while patting joey.

"Why cause I'm famous?" she said.

"Maybe." I said, then put my bag in the closet.

"Well as I remember you called a few people to hang out. Then why they left, you and I were alone." I could hear the giggle she made.

"How about we meet up tomorrow night?" I asked.

"Sure meet me at my place at the same time it happened." she said.

"I'll be there." I said

"Can't wait. Bye." she then hang up.

I put my phone down and when I did, there was a knock on the door.

I sigh and opened the door. Only to see one of the girls.

"You knocked?" I said, looking at her.

"Can we talk?" she asked. Making me question why. "Please." she said.

I move aside and let her in. Once she was in, I close the door.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Me and the girls." she said.

"And you believe I left because you girls are famous."

"Did you?" she asked, looking at me.

"No I didn't leave because you girls were famous." I looked at her. "I left because you girls kept this from me. Not telling me the truth about you girls. Where was the trust?"

"Kenny, I was going to tell you the day me and the girls moved in but I couldn't because the girls and I had to keep ourselves hidden." she said,then looking down.

Alex's Pov

The rest of the girls left, it was just me. Camila was with Kenny still talking.

After minutes being alone, I hear a door open and see Camila coming out.

Camila sees me and goes to me. "Where the girls at?" she asked.

"Left seperate somewhere." I said.

"Okay I'll talk to them when they get back." she said then goes to her room.

I wonder what happen between her and Kenny.

I go to Kenny's room and knocked on the door.

The door opens and Kenny looks at me.

"Oh hey, didn't expect for you to knock." she said.

"Yeah I wanted to see if you're okay I mean after your conversation with Camila." I said as I played with my fingers a little bit.

"Look I'm okay besides it's best if I talk to the rest of the girls about it instead of one." she said, leaning against the door.

"Are you angry with me?" I asked.

"No. With you I'm not." she said.

There came that slient between us. The look she was making was unreadable for me.

Especially in her eyes it was unreadable for me.

"I'm sorry." I spoke out, breaking the slience then close my eyes.

Out of nowhere she hugs me

I then hug her back and she pulled me close to her.

"It's okay. You don't need to apologize." she pulled away from the hug, to look at me.

"All forgiven." I said.

"Just you. I still need to talk to the girls." she pointed out.

"Oh okay." I sigh.

"Do you want to hang out?" she asked.

"Yeah it's been a while since we hanged out."

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