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Normani's Pov

Kenny makes a final turn and we arrive at the location where Camila was taken and where unknown was

We all got out of the car and looked at the place

It was a wooden house but the roof was a shed and something holding the roof together

"Girls, go along with the plan." Kenny said

We all enter the house and went separate

Ally and I looked around to see no one was around

"Is it just him here?" Ally asked

"I think so." I said as we walked

Until we heard a door open and something thrown against the wall

We hid behind the corner of the wall

"You want to quit now!" A voice spoke

"I quit!" Another voice spoke

"We gotta go to Kenny" I said

Ally and I ran off to find Kenny and the others

Dinah's Pov

We're lost, aren't we?" Alex said

I sigh and said "I think so."

We heard a yell from someone, we quickly ran only to see in the hallway

A boy on the ground, beaten badly

I looked around to see if the coast was clear and we ran to him

"What happen?" I asked

The boy moved his head a little "You should't be here. He'll find out"

"Unknown" Alex said

"Yes. He's dangerous. He was the one who took Camila" The boy groaned in pain

"Do you know where she is?" I asked

The boy nodded "Find the burn door with blood stain and lock."

We were about to walk until..

"Wait" The boy called

We looked at him to see what is it

"Be careful" he said

We didn't know what was going to happen

We quickly nod and walked off to find Kenny and the others

Ally's Pov

Me and Normani ran to find Kenny and the others but the place was like a maze or maybe we ran in circles

We ran fast that we didn't realize we bumped into someone

It turns out to be two people Dinah and Alex

"Let me guess looking for Kenny." I assume

"And you two as well." Dinah said

Me and Normani nod

"But it's like a maze here we can't find Kenny or Lauren" Normani said

"You two ran in a circle but I think we're close to them." Alex said

"Let's just find them" I pointed out

We continued to look for Kenny and Lauren

"So we know where Camila is" Alex said

"How did you find out?" I asked

"A boy." Dinah said

Is she talking about unknown or the other one?

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