Looking Through Memories

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Kenny's Pov

The next day, it's the afternoon and it's really cold so as I was on my laptop looking through the pictures I took.

I had my beanie on and a blanket wrapped around me.

While doing that, I turn around and see Alex coming.

"Hey Kenny." she said.

"Hey Alex." I said, looking at her then at my laptop.

"Looking through the photos you took?" she asked, as she sat down on a chair.

"Yeah so far some are good." I said.

"Do you have time for a break?" she asked.

"Yeah I've been working on this since 9 in the morning." I said.

"I thought maybe we could hang out." she said.

I saved the photos I did and closed my laptop. "Yeah what do you want to do?" I asked, looking at Alex.

"Watch a movie." She said.

"Okay you pick a movie. I'm going to put my laptop away." I said then grabbed my laptop and head to my room. I put my laptop on my bed then went back to Alex.

I see her on the couch as trailers showed.

I sit down next to her and said. "You picked a movie."

"Yes." she said, looking at me then back at the screen.

We ended up watch The Runaways

During the movie, we'd talk then watch the movie.

After the movie, Alex fell asleep on my shoulder.

I slowly get off the couch without waking up Alex. I put the blanket on her so she wouldn't be cold.

I go back to my room and used my laptop again to look through the photos again.

A picture with some people from film, A picture with some cousins, A picture of when joey was a baby, A picture with Brian, A picture with a few friends, A picture with the girls.

But then I came across a picture I haven't seen in a long time after that happen.

It was a picture of me and my best friend.

I then remember this was the first picture I took.

*Flashback* 2 years ago

"Good Practice." My best friend Keith said.

"Yeah hopefully the time we record it and upload it we do great." I said as I put his guitar away.

"Just a few videos and we'll be known." He said, laying down.

I sat down next to him. "Keith, what if we never get discovered or people don't like us." I said as I looked at him.

"If we don't get discovered, we keep trying. If we get hate so what just shake it off." he then gets up and goes to his closet and grabs a camera.

"Here," he hands me his camera. "If some thing happens, just make a memory out of it. Remember the moments, the times, but most of all each chapter tells a story about the person or what happen that day. Just make memories till the day you die."

I grab his camera and turned it on, I looked at him and said, "The first memory I want is being with my best friend."

I then took a picture of me and him since that day I took pictures but mostly there was pictures of me and him.

*Flashback ended*

I didn't realize after thinking about it I was crying.

Keith passed away a few month ago and I miss him a lot.

I hear a knock on the door and I quickly wiped the tears off my face then closed my laptop.

I open the door to see it was Brooke.

"Hey, we just wanted to tell you, me and the girls are going out and we're bring Alex along. We just wanted to see if you wanted to come along." she said.

I clear my throat. "Yeah sure. I was just finishing a few photos."

"You okay?" she asked, looking concern.

"Yeah I'm fine." Half a lie.

Normani's Pov

The girls and I took Kenny and Alex along to see the city more.

We saw a few buildings and saw a few things.

We stopped at this restaurant to get something to eat.

"Karla, that's a lot of bows you got from that gift shop" Kenny said.

"I love bows." Camila said.

Keeping this secret from Kenny is hard and guilty because she trust us enough to tell us her secrets and create a bond with us even with Alex.

If Kenny finds out, what happens between us? What was created? What was told? will be destroyed and maybe worse.

"Hey Kordei, you're awfully quiet. What's up?" Kenny asked.

"Oh sorry I was thinking." I said, moving my hair back.

"Good thinking or bad thinking." She asked.

I looked at the girls who were giving the look.

I look at Kenny and said "Good thinking." I faked a smile.

I feel Kenny hug me and I hug her back, looking over at the girls who gave me a nod and stop.

Kenny and I pulled away from the hug.

Unknown's Pov

The girls think they can get away.

Ha Ha don't worry girls I'll find you especially get close to your friend.


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