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Before you read this chapter

I have posted a new book called 'Theirs'
Please check it out it's a Fifth Harmony/ You
Now back to the chapter


Kenny's Pov

"Beautiful!" I yelled, taking another shot. "Stay still right there." I took another shot. "Perfect and that's a wrap." I said, putting my camera down.

Michael sighs after the photoshoot "What a workout right there."

"At least you stretched before we did the shot." I said, then changing the background for the next photoshoot.

"Got plans for the weekend?" he asked

"Yeah I'm hanging with a few people." I said, fixing the lights.

"Oh." he said, then fixing his hair.

"Why do you ask?" I said, then adjusting the camera.

"That maybe we could hangout." he said.

"We'll see I'll call you." I said, looking at him.

"Alright well I'll let you do this." he said, then hugged me and left.

After he left, someone came in

I look to see it was Ariana

"Nice to see you, Ariana." I said, smiling a little

I look at the outfit she wore then looked at her.

She smiled when I looked at her. "You like what you see." she says, flirty.

"Ummm." I got flustered a little. "You look great."

"Thank you cutie." she says, then kisses my cheek making me blush a little.

I push my glasses up. "Let's start the photoshoot." then started taking a picture.

After a few shots, taking pictures of Ariana. we were done.

"That's a wrap for today." I said, looking at the pictures I took on the laptop.

"You seem tired, Kenny." Ariana said, walking towards me.

"No it's more like sweating a little." I said, grabbing a wipe and wiping my forehead.

She looks at the pictures I took of her "These are great"

"I'll send them to your manager and you'll be set." putting the photos in a file

"Thank you so much." she says,then hugs me and leaves.

Suddenly I felt my phone viberate. I pulled out my phone to see what it was.

The first thing it was a text from a unknown blocked number

Unknown: You know all you know now. Can you handle what's to come next

I don't know what that was about. Right away another message was sent.

Unknown: Give them to me or else the first one suffers for your actions

Who the hell is this? A threat for the girls.

Alex's Pov

I was holding joey as the girls were either rushing to get ready or waiting patiently for the others.

As for me I was staying not that because I want to but so the girls won't be questioned about it.

"Alex, is joey with you?" I hear Camila scream.

"Yeah he's with me." I screamed back for her to hear, as I pat joey on the head.

Lauren and Ally show up, ready and waited with Dinah and Normani, making Camila the only one not ready.

"C'mon Camila we gotta go." Lauren yells.

Camila comes out as she puts on a bow.

"All set now." Camila says and smiles.

As the girls went to the door, Normani opens it and looks at me. "All doors lock, stay in our room or yours" then walks out.

Ally looks at me "Don't let anyone in." then walks out.

Dinah looks at me "There's food in case you get hungry." then walks out.

Lauren looks at me "Call us in case anything happens" then walks out.

Camila looks at me and smiles "Take care of joey." she kisses my forehead then walks out and closes the door.

I look at joey who was asleep on my lap.

I gently take joey to my room without waking him up.

After one hour of being alone, I was listening to music while in my room.

As for joey he was still asleep it was quite cute to see.

Right away joey wakes up and looks at the door closed but starts barking at it.

I remove one headphone and looked at joey, wondering why he is barking.

Then I hear a crash, "This shall warn her." A man spoke then more crashed come.

I quickly grab joey who then got quiet and hid in the closet.

Covering myself and joey with the blankets so the man doesn't see us.

I hear the door open slowly and the door making that crack sound.

More crashed came, I held joey close until my phone rings.

I remain quiet until the closet door opens...

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