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Kenny's Pov

After hearing everything from the girls.

I found myself not mad or upset or anything.

They were really serious about someone coming after them and trying to be careful.

"Do you forgive us?" Ally asked.

Instead of saying something to the girls, I hug them all it was embrace a difference.

"I forgive you girls." I said then pulled away from the embrace to look at them

It wasn't long until I found myself getting pulled into a bear hug.

"We're sorry." I heard them say.

It was a nice moment until there comes that part which ruins the moment.

"Kenny, you smell like sweat!" I hear Dinah say, making the girls pull away.

Ally exams me. "Kenny, did you get laid? because if you did you sure smell like it."

"Um girls I" I scratch the back of my neck "I did go out but I didn't get laid." Half a lie

"Wait you well you know?" Camila asked.

"No" I said quickly. "My car smells like that someone borrowed it."

"Well it's late now how we all get some sleep and we talk tomorrow." Normani suggested

"You girls go ahead. I'm going to take a shower quick since I smell like I got lucky."

"We're going to check on Alex since she fell asleep in your room." Ally said, as she and the girls went to my room.

Lauren's Pov

We all went to Kenny's room to see Alex asleep on Kenny's bed with joey sleeping by her feet, snuggled up to them.

Ally placed a kiss on Alex's forehead, then Dinah then Camila then Normani and then me.

"Goodnight Alex." I whisper.

We all leave Kenny's room and out in the hall.

"Everything clear now." Normani said

"Told Kenny everything." I said, looking at the others.

"We have a long day tomorrow so for now let's get some sleep we'll all need." Ally said.

We then went to our rooms seperate.

*6 Months later*

Dinah's Pov

Mila's alarm woke me up I swear I'm going to go to her room and break that alarm I need sleep

Once the alarm stopped ringing, I quickly covered myself with my blankets.

Right when I was about to fall asleep, I hear my door open. Seriously

I felt someone's hand on my back, moving me slightly.

"Dinah, wake up." I hear Ally say.

"No." I moaned

"C'mon Dinah get up." she said, pulling the blankets

"Let me sleep." I moaned, holding the blankets tight.

Ally sighs and says "Fine." then stops and leaves my room.

Alone at last for me.

Camila's Pov

"So you girls ready for the photoshoot?" Kenny asked, sipping her coffee.

"Yeah hope this photoshoot is better than the other one." I said, adjusting my bow.

"Why is that?" she asked.

"I'm pretty sure the other photographer was a pervert"

"Well all I can tell you is I keep things simple and I'm not a pervert." she pointed out.

"I trust that you are not like him?" I asked.

"No I'm not like that especially during a photoshoot." she said, taking a sip of her drink.

I give Kenny a hug since I know she won't be like the other photographer.

"Morning and what's with the hugging?" I hear Normani say, causing me and Kenny to pull away from the hug.

"It's for the photoshoot we're doing." I say, next to Kenny.

"True. You're helping us, Kenny?" Normani asked Kenny.

"Yeah you girls are after a few people I'm working with then you girls." Kenny pointed out.

"Can't wait for the photoshoot." Normani said, happily.

Unknown's Pov

"You fuck up!" I yelled at him.

"I'm sorry but there-" I cut him off by beating him.

"You Fucked Up now it's my turn!" I said, taking out my phone.

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