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Kenny's Pov

The next day

Back at Work, printing the pictures I took.

As I was doing that, my boss Chace shows up.

"Hey Kenny, finish up the picture?" he asked.

"Yeah the pictures are done there's only one thing I have to do." I said as I got the pictures

"Well then I came here to tell you. You have some photoshoots to do." he said, leaning back.

"What kind of photoshoots?" I asked.

"Famous ones. You'll be shooting Ariana Grande, A member from 5SOS and well at least for today and I'll tell you the rest soon. So go to the room where we shoot." he said then left before I could say anything.

I grab the photos I had and put them on my laptop.

I rush to the photoshoot room to see a girl standing and waiting.

I grab the camera and went to the girl.

She looks at me and smiles "You're the photographer here?"

"Yeah sorry. This was late minute." I said as I turned on the camera.

"It's okay." she smiled.

I begin to take pictures of her and like some photoshoots, I talk to the people I work with.

"So what's your name?" I asked taking a few shots.

"I'm Ariana." she said, looking at the camera.

"Nice to meet you. Move your hands a little, please." I said and asked.

She moves her hands up as she looks at me. "And what's your name?" she asked as she fix her hair.

"I'm Kenny your photographer for today." After a few shots, I said.

"Do you always take photos?" she asked as she was in the next shot.

"Not since two years ago." I said adjusting the camera on it's stand.

"Was there something else you wanted to do." she asked.

"Not trying to be rude but shouldn't I be asking you questions." I said taking another picture.

"Yeah but I'd like to know more about the person before they know me." she made another move.

"If you'd like to." I said, taking another picture.

She smiled then asked me, "So tell me was there something else?"

"Yeah there was." I said after taking a few shots.

"What was it?" she asked.

I put the camera down and said to Ariana "We got all the shots. Plus I wanted to do something in music."

"I hope we see each other again." she smiled.

"If you want to." I said, cleaning the lens with a wipe.

She takes out a card and hands it to me. "Call me one day to catch up." she winked then left.

I look at the card with her number on it, I put the card away in my pocket.

I hear the door and some guy walks in.

"Hi I'm here for the photoshoot." he said,looking at me.

"Of course just stand in the light and we'll get started." I said, grabbing the camera.

He stands where the lights were at and I started taking pictures.

"So what's your name?" he asked.

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