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Kenny's Pov

I called Brian and told him to stay at my house til I got back.

I'm on my way to see M G I need to talk to her. I know her boyfriend would be there but I have to see her.

After a few minutes, I finally arrived at her house. I quickly get out of the car and went to the door, knocking on it.

The door opened and there she was. "Kenny, what are you doing here?" she asked, coming out and closing the door.

"We need to talk it's important." I spoke out.

"I can't right now. Alfie's here." she said.

"Please this is important." I said, begging a little.

She sighs and opens her door. "Alfie I'm going somewhere real quick I'll be back!" she yelled.

"Okay babe. Be back before I leave." I hear him say.

She closes the door and we go to my car and inside.

After driving a few minutes, I stop at an empty place not too far from her house

"What is it you want to talk about?" she asked.

"Do you love me?" I asked, looking at her.

"Kenny you know I do. What is this about?" she asked.

"Be with me." I said, which made her surprised.

"What?" she said, so surprised by what I said.

"Be with me. Leave Alfie and be with me." I said.

For a moment there was slience until...

"Kenny," she sat on my lap. "You know I love you but I can't." she said then kissed me.

I kissed her back then pulled away.

What we did next was not what I thought we would do especially if it's in the car.

After a few minutes, I was okay yet filled with pleasure on the outside but inside heartbroken yet I didn't show it.

"Kenny?" she called me which made me look at her. "I love you." We both made eye contact.

After that I took her home, not saying a word after.

Alex's Pov

"Joey, you got a little big." Kenny's friend Brian says as he was holding him.

Kenny went somewhere quick and the girls were in the living room, waiting for Kenny to return.

As for me I was with Brian playing with joey.

"You enjoy living here?" he asked.

I nod my head "It's good here."

"Must be nice to be raised by famous people." he said, putting joey down.

"It's good except when they are busy." I pointed out.

"Still they love you and chose you." he said.

When he said chose, I remember the first time I met the girls at the adoption center.


There was a knock on the door as me and my friend were just showing each other a cheer.

We turned around and the door opened, only to see it was Mrs Turner

"Girls, we have some people who want to adopt, be out in 5 minutes so you can meet them." she says then left.

I turn to my friend who was smiling a lot "We may finally get adopted today."

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