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Kenny's Pov

11:12 am

I get up and got ready for work, I give Joey some food and water since I know he's going to be alone. 

After doing that, I leave my house, to my car and drove to my job while driving to my job I listen to some music to keep me entertain so I wouldn't get bored at all and so far it's working.

I arrive at my job and got out my car and let's just say YOLO!!! 

Anyways I go inside the building and right when I walked in I see Ryan on a ladder with his hands on the signs, probably fixing the lights since one fade shortly once you turn it on.

I walk next to where Ryan was as he was fixing the lights. "Hey Ryan"

Ryan looked down and I wave at him. "Hey Kenny. You're here early." he says as he was fixing the lights.

"I mean this is my job right? I'm suppose to come early."  I pointed out.

"True but usually when people come to this job they complain and say bad things about it but then there's you, you enjoy it a lot even with the others." 

"Who wouldn't enjoy filming and even work with a few people?" I say as I fix my hair.

 "Easy me." He finishes fixing the sign then gets off the ladder.

"Oh please Ryan. you're just saying that because the computer you used messed up right in the middle of uploading." 

He laughed and walked to where the light switch was. "Let's hope today is a good day." He turns on the light and the sign shows it's words.

"From the looks of it, it's happening." I gave him a thumb up. 

After working, I say my byes to my co-workers. When I got home, joey was jumping up and down. I wonder what he's happy about. I play with Joey, running around with him, giving his toy and play tug of war since Joey fights a lot over it.

Then there was a knock on a door. 

"Stay Joey." Joey stays, sitting on the floor.

I walk to the door and when I open the door, there standing was 5 girls.

"Hi." one of the girls spoke.

"We were walking by and we saw the sign about renting a room." another girl spoke.

"Uh yeah," I scratch the back of my neck. "Would you like to check it out?"

"Yes." two girls spoke at the same time.

 Didn't expect that at all. Maybe Ryan was right about hoping for a good day.

So far something good

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