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Kenny's Pov

The next day at night, I honestly felt like a teenager again especially since I'm sneaking out to meet someone.

I quietly sneak out of my room and left my house.

I get in my car and drove to the location to meet the person.

After 20 minutes of driving, I finally arrive at the location when me and the person did what we did.

I get out of the car and knocked on the door of the place I'm at.

While I waited, the door opened and I then got pulled in then I was pressed on the door.

I looked at her, as our lips were inches away.

"Nice to see you again, M G." I said, leaning in close.

"You too, my lover." she then closed the gap between us and kissed me.

I'll explain about the person who calls me her lover.

4 days ago, I invited a few people. Ariana Grande, Michael Clifford and Little Mix.

I invited them but Michael brought someone with him that day.

What he didn't know was I knew the person for a long time.


"Kenny!" he called.

I go up to him. "Yeah Michael."

"This is a friend of mine. Sweetheart this is the one who took my picture." He pointed the person with him at me.

"Hi." She said.

"You two get to know each other." Michael said, then left.

Through the night we talked and "got to know each other" but then when everyone left, it was just me and her alone.

I remember she and I were sitting on the couch, talking then next thing I knew she and I are making out.

Then we did it.

*Flashback ended*

After she and I kissed, we had made love.

Both of us breathing heavily under the covers

"You improved a lot." she said.

"Thought I was better than the others even Alfie." I said, as I sat up grabbing my stuff.

"You are." she said, wrapping her arms around me as I put my clothes on.

"I have to go." I said, then kissed her hands.

She unwraps her arms around me as I get up to look at her.

"Can we meet up on the weekend?" she asked.

"Yeah but what about Alfie?" I said.

"I'll take care of it." she said, then pulled me by my collar and kissed me.

Normani's Pov

"She's gone. We can't find her." Ally said, in worry.

"Maybe she went out." Dinah said.

"At this time at night!" I pointed out and screamed.

"Girls keep your voice down. Alex's asleep." Camila said.

Right when one of us was about to say something. Kenny walked in.

Then joey starts coming and running to her.

"Kenny, where were you?" I asked.

"I went for a drive," Kenny then picked up joey. "What are you girls doing up at this time."

"Kenny, we need to talk." Lauren said.

Kenny then places joey down. "I'm guessing Camila told you girls by now about our conversation."

"Yeah she told us." Dinah said.

"Everything?" Kenny asked.

"Yes." I said.

"So tell me why." Kenny said.

Alex's Pov

I wake up because of a scream, I look to see I was alone.

I get out of bed and walked to the door.

Right when I was about to open the door I hear one of the girls talking.

"When it's over, we go back to our lives like it was before." I hear Dinah say.

Before. Then it would be like it was before.

I open the door and went to see the girls, talking to Kenny.

They look at me

"Alex it's late. Shouldn't you be asleep?" Camila asked.

I nod my head to Camila.

"Go to sleep, Alex. It's late." Lauren said.

"Can I sleep with Kenny?" I asked, mainly after hearing their talk.

"You can go to my room, take joey with you." Kenny said.

I nod my head and took joey to Kenny's room.

Yet I continue to hear them.

"So you know everything. Do you forgive us?" I hear Ally asked.

Unknown's Pov

"Sir it's set for you." he spoke.

"Good. No thanks to you." I looked at him.

"But sir I--" I cut him off.

"No more. Now do what you're told." I said and dropped him.


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