Deep Depression :C

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Kenny's Pov

They lied to me! After living with me they keep this from me.

"Kenny, are you alright?" Chace asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine. Look umm Chace you're going to need a new photographer." I said, not looking at the girls.

"Why is that?" he asked.

"I got a call it's important." I lied.

Chace sighs and says "Fine. Go."

I walk away, grabbed my stuff and left the building.

When I got home, I rush to my room. I closed the door and threw everything that was there.

I can't believe they lied to me after everything I told them after living with me longer than anyone.

I hear a soft knock on the door. I open the door slowly to see it was Alex.

"Kenny." She spoke softly like it was going to calm me down.

"You knew." I said, looking at her.

"About what? The-" I cut her off.

"After everything. All the time we spent." I said almost choked on my own words.

"I'm sorry." She said, finally knowing what it is.

I close the door I didn't want to hear or see anything.

I leaned back on the door and sat down.

Here we go again.

Camila's Pov

"Ladies, we'll rescheule the photoshoot." Chace said, then left.

Kenny found out about us and left. I saw hurt in her eyes when she left.

The girls and I go back to car and as the driver was driving, the girls and I talked.

"This is bad, Kenny found out about us and now our cover is blown." Dinah said.

"Maybe if we explain to her why we didn't tell her." I spoke out.

"Camila, you saw the look Kenny made." Lauren said.

"Plus she won't hear us out since she found out like that." Ally said.

I sigh and looked out at the window, watching the view.

We arrived back at the house and when we got inside the house. We heard loud music playing in Kenny's room.

We look to see Alex, sitting on the couch.

"Alex." I called her.

"She locked herself in her room. I heard things being thrown." Alex looked at us.

"Did you check on her?" I asked.

"I knocked. She said if I knew." Alex looks at the door of Kenny's room.

Then the door opens a little and joey comes out running then the door closes.

Lauren's Pov

After the girls talked to Alex, they went to their room. As for me I'm out of my room.

I walk to Kenny's door and knocked on it.

As I waited, I hear footsteps walking past some things then locks opening and the door open. Footsteps going back.

I pushed the door slightly to see some things on the floor and Kenny putting stuff in a bag.

"Kenny I--" I was cut off.

"You're sorry that you and the girls didn't tell me." Kenny said, then threw the bag in the closet.

"And we kept this from you." I said, taking a small step.

"After everything I told you after I told you about my trust issues. You girls keep this from me." Kenny said, throwing another bag in the closet.

"Do you want us to go?" I asked, looking at her.

"No." She said, grabbing a bag.  "I am." then walked out.

Alex's Pov

I was out in the living room with joey sleeping on my lap when Kenny came out.

"Kenny." I called.

She stopped at the door and looked at me "Watch joey til I get back." then left.

I hear footsteps coming. I turn around to see Lauren standing.

"She left?" Lauren asked.

"Just now. She told me to watch joey." I explained.

Lauren sighs then goes to a room.

I look at joey who was still asleep on my lap.

Unknown's Pov

I thrust hard on them as they moaned loud, begging for me to stop but I don't stop.

Until the phone rang, I put up my phone and answered it.


I smirk to what was told to me.


I hang up and went back to what I was doing.

Time to pay a visit to your friend, girls..

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