Finding Out

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Unknown's Pov

It was wrong for the girls to think I wouldn't find them.

I chuckled. Good thing I found them before I lose site of them.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in." I say then the door open and closed.

"Sir." A voice spoke.

"No luck to where Kenny is." I said not looking at the person.

"Sir, you broke into the house where Kenny lives. How can you not find her?" His voice raised with anger.

"Are you trying to tell me what to do?" I said, looking at him, pissed off.

"N-" I cut him off, pressing him on a wall.

"Don't you dare raise your voice towards me!" I yell and punched him on his ribs.

He groans in pain as I continued to punch his ribs.

I grab him by his collar. "You're lucky you have a pretty face." I then let him go and he falls to the floor. "Find Kenny or I will!"

Dinah's Pov

"Girls calm down." Simon Plead.

"Simon this person found out!" Ally yelled.

"Girls this person is being looked for." He said, hoping it would help us.

"Simon he broke in. He almost hurt our child!" Lauren yelled.

"Girls there's nothing I can do except give you girls a different location." He said.

"What about Kenny?" Camila asked.

"Girls it's been months. I'm surprised you haven't told her yet. Well since you haven't told her, You girls can leave at any time or any day." he said.

"Girls." I said, looking at them.

They stayed quiet.

"I'll give you girls some time until then you girls have a photoshoot. The driver will take you there so get going."

Me and and the girls leave the office and the building.

Outside was the driver and the car. We get inside the car and he drives us.

During the drive it was quiet especially after our conversation with Simon.

Kenny's Pov

"Perfect Right!" I yelled. "Beautiful!" I yelled again, taking a shot of the group I'm working with, Little Mix

"Kenny, may I speak with you?" My boss Chace called.

I stopped taking pictures and looked at the girls.

"I'll be right back." I told the girls.

I walked to Chace, "What's up?"

"After this photoshoot, there's another." he said.

"Alright," I nod "Who?" I asked.

"A girl band. Fifth Harmony." he said.

"Looking forward to it." I said and nod.

"Continue what you're doing." he said and walked away.

I head back to photoshoot and continued to take pictures.

"We heard your conversation with Chace." Perrie spoke.

"Yeah?" I said, taking another picture.

"No other photographer has ever worked with them." Jade said.

"Is that so?" I asked, taking another picture.

"Yeah. You're lucky you work with them." Jesy said.

"Must be a reason why you're chosen." Leigh Ann said.

"Maybe." I chuckled.

After a few shots we stopped.

"Nice working with you girls again." I said, putting my camera down.

They go to me and give me a hug.

"It was nice working with you." Jade said.

They all pulled away.

"We'll keep in contact." Perrie said.

"Yeah nice to see you girls." I said as they were leaving.

"You too!" They yelled.

After they left, I was adjusting the camera to create the perfect angle to shoot.

"Hey Kenny." A voice spoke.

I turn around to see Hansen.

"Hansen, Nice to see you." I said

"You seem happy." He said, putting his hands in his pocket.

"Not with you." I joked.

"I take it you forget." he refered to the bed.

"Well thanks for bring it up!" I yelled.

"Sorry," He apologize. "Anyways Chace's looking for you."

"I'll be right back." I said, leaving.

I go to the front desk to see Chace talking to some girls.

When I got close, it turned out to be my roommates

Chace turns around and sees me. "Kenny, there you are" he pulled me close to where the girls were. "Kenny, Meet the girls you'll be working with, Fifth Harmony."

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