Move In

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Kenny's Pov

The next day, The girls are coming to move in fully, I get up from my bed and took off the towel on my head. I took a shower and changed into some fresh clean clothes.

After doing that,I was playing with Joey for a little bit until I get a text from Hansen (He's a friend of mine and also we worked together on some films)

From Hansen: Hey Kenny, how've you been?

Once I got the text I replied back.

Me: I'm good, Hansen. What about you? How's your girl?

From Hansen: I'm okay and Rose she's good.

Me: Nice to Know

From Hansen: Are you asking because Rose's Pregnant?

Me: Yeah I mean you two did hook up and top it off you two did it at my house in my room on my bed!!!

Long story short I leave Hansen and Rose in my room for an hour I then come back and walked in on them having sex . Then the next day Rose ends up pregnant.

From Hansen: I said I was sorry I even washed your sheets for you

Me: Still doesn't erase what I saw

From Hansen: I'll make it up to you

Me: We'll see

I put my phone away when I heard a knock on the front door. I check to see who was at the door and when I opened it, it was the girls.

"Hey " they say at the same time. Strange. I let the girls in, along with the stuff they were holding. Once they were in, I close the door and Joey starts to jump up and down, I guess he loves the girls.

Karla puts her stuff down to pet Joey a little bit. "You so cute joey." she pets him as he licked her.

"Karla, c'mon." Michelle said.

"I'll be there a bit." Karla said as she continue to pet joey.

The rest of the girls decide to go to the rooms they chose to stay. Meanwhile Karla continued to pet joey.

"Your dog is so cute." She said as she touched joey.

"He's like the first time when I got him." I smiled, looking at joey.

"What was he like then?" She asked.

I sigh as I looked at joey. "He was such a adorable baby. He was small almost like a baby's hand and his eyes were really blue so blue they were glowing bright. His fur was small but growing more on the bottom of his chin. Kinda like the youtuber I watch. But the most was how he was around the other puppies so caring." After saying that I didn't realize I was crying and I didn't realize Karla hugging me.

"Don't cry boo." she said then pulled away from the hug to look at me.

"It's not sad tears though." I chuckled a little.

A moment between me and Karla struck I'm not sure if I should like it or not like it but like in some moments there's that interuption. Joey started begging again.

After breaking the moment I pick up joey.

"You're right about joey caring." Karla said, while joey started licking me.

"I'm honest about a lot of things." I said as I pat joey on his nose.

"Well Kenny I--" She was interupted by a scream calling for her which made her look.

"Karla C'mon!" I hear Jane yell.

Karla looks at me "Um I'm going to set my stuff up." she says then grabbed her stuff and left to her new room.

I look at Joey and said, "Wonder what she was going to say." then joey licked me.

Camila's Pov

I get to my room only to see the girls were there, giving me the serious look. I closed the door in case so we wouldn't be heard.

"You were going to tell her, weren't you?" one of the girls said.

"Keeping this from her. I don't know if I can do this." I explained then looked down.

"Camila, we have to. Simon's order." I hear Dinah say.

Yes I'm Camila Cabello from a girl band called Fifth Harmony along with Lauren Jauregui, Ally Brooke Hernandez, Normani Kordei Hamilton and Dinah Jane Hansen. You're probably wondering why us famous girls are living here in this house. Well we were force to after recieving threats and hate letters by someone out to get us. Just to be safe, Simon sent us on a unknown location where no photographer will discover us but as for us girls we had to disguise ourselves and change our name. It's only for a while then once it's over we go back to our lives but I feel bad that once it's over and we leave, Kenny will be by herself again and from the looks of it, she seems to like us.

But Could we really keep this from her without getting caught?

Eventually we have to tell her or else she'll find out the hard way.

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