A Few Shots

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7 month later

Kenny's Pov

It's been 7 months since the girls moved in and them adopting Alex.

Living with them they're really good, they different from any roommate I ever had living with me.

Each thing from them was good.

Karla, I'd be lying if I didn't admit she was cute but the thing about her was she cared, she was the most caring person I have ever met.

Michelle, the thing about her was her sass but at the same time her sass brought out her personality more.

Brooke, she's sweet especially when watching Titanic because of her cuddles which take effect and I mean a lot of effect.

Kordei, I mean every time I see her I think of Beyonce because I walked in on her one time when I came home from work and she was dancing a lot like Beyonce.

Jane, I mean genius from the pranks she pulled on the girls but also she's funny when it comes to jokes and of course ice cream and corn. don't ask

As for the kid they adopted name Alex, she's pretty cool especially since we have some things in common like singing and skateboarding.

Once a while we would skateboard at a park and other times we'd hang out do whatever.

Anyways I'm at work, taking a look at the pictures I took and as I was looking through them I hear someone scream out in the hall.

"Just let me talk to her!" It sound like Josh.

"No Bro! she wants nothing to do with you." It sound like Brian.

I stopped what I was doing and to the hall.

I look at both Brian and Josh.

"Josh, you need to go now." I said as I looked at him.

"I need to talk to you, Ken." Josh said.

"Go Josh just leave." I said as I head back to doing what I was doing.

I hear footsteps coming.

I turn around and see Brian.

"You okay, Bro?" He asked.

I sigh as I looked at him. "I'm fine. Just Josh coming really makes it hard to work."

"Don't worry about him. Look you go home I'll talk to the boss for you." he said.

After talking to Brian, I grabbed all my stuff and left.

I arrive home only to hear Beyonce playing in the kitchen and seeing Alex asleep on the couch.

I go to the kitchen to Kordei cooking and Jane washing a dish.

Kordei turns around and sees me. "Hey Kenny. You're home early." she says as she puts the music down a little.

"Yeah just some things finished early." I said as I held onto my bag with my camera inside.

"Yo Kenny, did you take good shots." Jane says as she finishes the dishes.

"Yeah but I'm going to need to take a few shots then set everything up." I explained.

The girls know about what I'm doing including making memories. I mean why not make memories of your life.

I explained to Kordei and Jane about what else I need and so far they looked like they understand.

As I spoke to them, the rest of the girls showed up.

"Hey Kenny." Karla said as she hugged me and sat next to me on a chair.

Joey shows up running and jumps on Karla's lap.

I smiled at Karla and pat joey on the head.

So I explained to the rest of the girls about the memories and what I needed.

"So girls now you know." I said after explaining to them then put my head down.

"Have you taken shots here?" Michelle asked.

I raised my head up and quickly took out my camera and turned it on.

"Kenny what are you doing?" Brooke asked.

Once my camera was on, I said, "Making Memories."

They smiled and I took some pictures of them.

Some were silly, Some were funny and Some were special the good kind of special.

After taking the shots, Alex shows up.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Making Memories!" The girls screamed.

"Want to be part of it?" I asked and she nods.

I took a few shots of Alex and so far Good

After taking a lot of pictures, I was in my room and putting my camera away when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

The door opens and I see Michelle enter my room and close the door once she's in.

"Got all the photos you need?" she asked.

"Yeah now I just have to print them out and set them up in a order." I explained.

"How long have you been taking pictures for this?" she asked, looking at me.

"For about two years, along with some photos from the past." I said as I put my camera bag in the closet.

"Long time." she said.

"Yeah it has." I said.

"Well I just wanted to check up on you to see if you're okay." she said.

"I am okay." I said, looking at her.

She kisses my cheek then leaves my room.

The girls give a strong effect on me.

The good strong effect :)

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