Hanging Out

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Kenny's Pov

It's been two days since I met the 5 girls. Everything is set for them to move in, They'll fully move in tomorrow.

I was in the middle of watching a movie in the living room when I heard a knock at the front door. I pause the movie I was watching and went to the front door and opened it. When I did it was my soon to be roommates.

"Hey, I didn't expect for you guys to be here." I said.

"We just wanted to stop by and maybe hang out with you and-" Michelle was interupted.

"Of course Joey since he's so cute." Karla said.

"So do you want to hang out?" Jane asked.

"Yeah that'd be cool. I was just watching a movie. Um please come in." I move aside and let them in, once they were in I closed the door.

"You're watching Titanic?" Brooke asked.

"Yeah and some other movies." I explained.

"I love Titanic!" Brooke yelled then hugs me unexpectedly.

"You have to excuse Al-- I mean Brooke, she loves Titanic." Kordei said.

"I can tell she does," I pointed at Brooke hugging me "Since she's hugging me."

"Let's watch the movie." Jane said.

We all sat down on the couch. The couch was small so one had to sit on another's lap. So Karla sat on Michelle's lap. We watched a few movies and talked about a few things. Let's just say it was interesting.

"So Kenny, do you have a boyfriend?" Brooke said.

I looked at the girls, who were waiting for my answer.

"Well umm I--," then there was a knock on the door. Safe! I rush to answer the door and when I did I see my best friend Jason. "Jason, what an unexpected surprise." I lied.

"Hey Kenny, I tol--" I interupted Jason.

"Since you're here," I pull Jason inside. "Theses are my new roommates. The ones I told you about." I said fast.

"Oh," Jason said then making a face, he'd make sometimes. "Let's see your roommates are Karla, Brooke, Jane, Kordei and Michelle." he pointed at them.

"Yeah!" They yelled.

"Excellent!" He yelled then played with his fingers.

I pull Jason walked him to my room, "Be right back." I yelled before entering my room and closing it.

"Um you knew I was coming over." Jason said.

"Yes Jason, sorry about that," I scratch the back of my neck.

"Can't stay mad at you, Ken." He smiled.

I hug Jason then pulled away.

"I am curious though I heard a rush when you opened the door." Jason looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"The girls asked me a question if I had a boyfriend."

"You haven't told them about yourself being you know." Jason asked.

"Dude I'm bi but even if I tell them they'll probably think I'm checking them out." I said,then looking down.

"Kenny,Kenny,Kenny," Jason goes behind me, wrapping his arms. "From what I saw, the girls seem to like you for you not looks or sexuality. Just tell them or else you'll regret it."

I sigh, knowing Jason is right. "Okay I'll tell them."

Jason unwraps his arms. "Okay just take a deep breath and it will be okay."

I took a deep breath then walked out of my room with Jason and back to the girls.

"Well girls, I gotta go. It was nice meeting you," Jason said before going to the front door. "Kenny remember what I told you." he said before leaving and closing the door.

'Great I'm on my own on this' I thought.

"Kenny, can you answer our question now?" Michelle asked.

I took a deep breathe and said, "I don't have a boyfriend. Girls, there's something I need to tell you." I said low, hoping they didn't hear me say I need to tell them something.

"What is it?" Karla said as she was hold Joey.

"What?" I acted confuse

"You said you need to tell us something." Kordei said.

"I- Well-- it's just umm" I stuttered a lot which made my right hand shake. "umm uhh."

"Kenny, are you okay?" Jane asked, concern.

And at that moment I passed out, I could still hear what's going on and feel what's going on?

"Oh my god, Kenny! Kenny!" I hear Brooke yell and her hands on my cheeks.

"Let's take her to her room." I hear Kordei say, then I feel myself being carried and a door open then laying down on something soft.

"Stay with her, we'll get water and a towel." I hear Jane say,then footsteps leaving.

Out of nowhere I feel a hand on my cheek then my forehead then my cheek again.

"Please wake up, Kenny please." I hear Brooke say.

I hear footsteps and Kordei say "Here put this on her head."

I then feel something wet on my head then more footsteps and Jane say "Girls we need to go, Simon needs us."

"So does Kenny, We can't just leave her!" I hear Brooke say.

"We'll leave a note." Kordei says.

"Write the note!" Jane says.

I hear footsteps again.

"Guys he's here." I hear Karla say "C'mon we gotta go."

I feel arms around me then another, another, another, another and another with a kiss on the cheek. Then a door close.

After an hour I wake up and I see the note left behind.

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