Meeting The Girls

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Kenny's Pov

For 5 people to rent a room especially since they know each other seemed a little odd but alright might as well.

"C'mon in." then they entered my house.

When they did, my dog Joey started walking to them begging for them to play with him.

"Awwww your dog is cute." the green eyed girl spoke.

"Thanks. this is joey." I pointed at the dog.

Joey started jumping up and down, begging for someone to play with him.

"Does joey always jump up and down?" A short girl asked.

"Only when he wants to play and meet new people." I explained. "Let me show the rooms to you all and when we're done it's your decsion."

"Okay let's begin." The tall girl said.

I showed them each room, one room had a lot of space with a closet but with no mirrors, another room had space and the floor was smooth wood and the closet is small with a door, another room had carpet a beanbag at the corner and for the lights it's also a fan. I would continue the rooms but there's so many rooms to describe especially since I live alone..

Anyways after showing them the rooms, we head back to the living room and joey was sitting with his tail moving happy and his tongue out.

"Your dog is cute." Said the brown eyed girl. Right when she said that, joey started going to her and begging for her to play with him. "Is it okay if I could hold him?" she asked.

"Yeah go ahead." she then picked up Joey and he started to lick her nose.

"Awww you're so cute, joey." She smiled and put joey down carefully.

Yet joey continued to beg again while his tongue was out and making a look no one could resist not even I could handle. The look he gave was sad, big, teary eyes but also known as puppy dog eyes. he began to cry a little since the brown eyed girl put him down. From the looks from her, she was starting to feel bad about Joey.

"Awww joey don't cry." she said as she pat his head which made joey happy and lick her hand. Smart dog he is.

"Well since you girls are here, what are your names?" I asked.

The girls stayed quiet for a moment then one of them spoke. "I'm Brooke." the short one said.

"I'm Jane." The tall one said.

"I'm Koredi." The dark one said.

"I'm Karla." The brown eyed girl said.

"I'm Michelle." The green eyed girl said.

Definitely did not expect that but gotta be on put. "I'm Kenny and well you girls already meet joey." I pointed out.

"It was nice to meet you two." Brooke said and smiled.

"We've consider to move in." Michelle said. which was unexpected to hear.

"Really? You 5 are moving in here?" I asked and I was so shocked to hear this.

"Yeah the rooms are nice and you're not like mean or the bad type of person." Kordei said.

"Well welcome here. uh you all could move your stuff in tomorrow if you all would like to." I could feel my nerves kick in a little.

"We'll drop off some stuff then once it's all set we'll fully move in." Karla said.

They all go to the door and I open it for them then they go out of the door. "It was nice to meet you all." I said as they were leaving.

"You too." Jane turned and said then walked along with the girls.

I close the door and looked at Joey who seemed a little happy because his tongue was out. "Joey we got roommates now." I said then picked him up and right away he started licking me.

The search is over now..

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