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Lauren's Pov

Me and the girls were finishing up on our make up for the photoshoot. The girls were either nervous or excited but for me I have a feeling and it's not good I couldn't stop thinking about how Alex is handling alone.

"Lauren you ready?" I hear Camila say, which made me turn to look.

"Yeah all done." I got up from my seat.

We all went to a room where the background was white.

Kenny was on her camera fixing it then turns and sees us.

"Hey girls," she says, pressing her glasses close. "You girls stand in front of the background." she pointed then went back to the camera.

Me and the girls stand in the background.

"Alright let's do this." Kenny said, taking a shot.

After different movements, different backgrounds, different adjustments and solo pictures. We were on the final one for the photoshoot.

"Beautiful! Stay Still!" Kenny yelled then took the shot. "That's a wrap!" Clapping her hands together.

Camila's Pov

It was fun to do the photoshoot after finishing up the photoshoot, the girls and I were back to what we were wearing before.

I grab my phone and called Alex just to check up on her.

As I waited on the phone for her to answer there was no response.

I put my phone away as I turn around I bump into Kenny.

"Woah Camila." Kenny caught me before I fell. I caught my balance and stood still.

"Thanks for catching me." I said, looking at Kenny, smiling.

"Your welcome. ummm you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah I just called to check on Alex." I said as I was moving my hair a little.

"Guess I'm not the only one. I called her too but no answer." she said, scratching the back of her neck.

"Are you coming back to your place?" I asked.

"Yeah I'll meet you and the girls there." she said, pushing up her glasses.

I hug her then looked at her. "We'll see you there."

Kenny's Pov

After talking to Camila, I was in the room grabbing my stuff when I heard a knock on the door.

I walked to the door and opened it only to see it was my M G.

"Didn't expect to see you." I said, scratching my neck.

"Thought I'd stop by." she said, whispering in my ear.

I let her in and once she was in, I close the door. Then right away she crashes her lips on mine.

Usually I wouldn't do it in the room since it's only used for photography but this was a first.

After we did what we did, we fixed up.

"Still coming for the weekend?" she asked.

"Yeah, are you?" I said, fixing my glasses.

"Turns out Alfie will be away with his pals so that means I'll be alone the whole weekend." she said, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"With me though." I pointed out which made her smile.

Ally's Pov

We were on our way back to the house and the girls were all doing something

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