3: Game On

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Dolly walked around. She recognizes some people from her school. Most of them were idiots.

She stopped and looked at the giant pink and blue bear. "I'll win it for you."

"No, thank you," she walked up to the man and paid him. "I can do it on my own." The grab three baseballs.

"If you miss, I will try next, and I am keeping the bear, " he said. Dolly glared.

Dolly threw the ball and hit the first set of bottles. She threw the second and then the third, but she didn't knock the last there bottle. She huff as Victor laughed. "Stop laughing."

"That bear is mine," he said.

She watched him, and he manages to knock all the bottles down. She looked away, crossing her arms. "Show off."

He held the bear and wiggled its arms. "Jealous of my bear." She glared. "I'll give it to you if you beat me on that game." He pointed at the shooting game.

"Fine," she walked over. She handed the man three dollars for four shots to win the biggest prize.

"At the same time," he said. Dolly waited for him. He set the teddy to the side and grabbed the bb-gun after he paid the man. "Ready?" She nod. "Go."

She aims at the balloons. And all she hears where four snaps beside her. She looked at Victor. He was already finished. "That is not fair."

"Yes, it is," he grins. "I'm just good at aiming."

She set the gun down. She only manages to hit three out of four. The man handed her a medium Winnie the pooh plushie. Victor chuckled.

She walked away. Victor is such a show-off. How can a woman stand him? Just being around him makes her anxious.

She sighed.

"Dolly?" She stopped. "Is that you? What a surprise."

She groaned and looked up. "Hello, Tatiana."

"Its good to see you," she hugged her and kissed her cheek. Dolly knows she left lipstick on her cheek. "Are you here with your parents or Emma?"

"I'm here with a friend," she said. "And you?"

"I'm here with some friends," she flipped her curly blonde hair. Tatiana was wearing a midriff white tube top with some pink shirts. Her diamond belly button piercing shined when the light hits it. "So, is my cousin grounded still?"

"Yes," Dolly said. "She's away with her parents."

"So I heard," she said. "I was at the party, but I didn't see you or her."

"I left early," Dolly said.

"Well, you are coming to my birthday party?" She asked. "You have to come; it would be good for us. Our parents do work together. I mean, your father is my parent's boss."

"I don't know," she said. "I will think about it."

"Cool," she smiled.

"Ahem," Victor walked over.

"Dolly, " Tatiana pulled her over. "There is a creep staring at you."

"That Victor," she said. "My friend."

"But isn't he old to be hanging around a minor?" Dolly saw the way Tatiana was staring at him with hungry eyes. And Victor was doing the same thing.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" Victor asked.

Dolly sighed. "Victor, this is Tatiana. Tatiana, This is Victor."

"Aha," Tatiana smiled.

And so Dolly had to sit down somewhere and waited for them to finished talking and exchange numbers. She is eighteen, so; they are perfect for each other.

Book 1: The Criminal Loves A DollyWhere stories live. Discover now