Chapter six

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I went to my locker and spun my combination. I slide my black backpack off my shoulder and unzipped it. I pulled out my morning books (Family Management, AVID three, AP phycology, AP chemistry, and AP world history). I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pressed the volume button. I turned off the volume and replaced the phone in my pocket.

I put my bag in my locker and glanced in the mirror on my locker door. My face was pale. Looking closer, I could see bags under my eyes.

I went through my morning battling the hallucinations. By lunch time I wanted to duck out of school and go to the gym. I reminded myself of the promise I made to William.

I switched out my books for my afternoon books (calculus, Japanese three, and AP writing). I walked into the lunch room and over to William's table. Courtney was the first to see me. Her face turned into a scowl making her look ugly.

William noticed me and walked over to me. He caught me by my elbow.

"Let's go," William whispered in my ear.

"Why?" I asked.

"Trust me, you don't want to stay in the lunch room." William whispered.

"For real?" I asked.

"Yes, this is real, now let's leave before everyone realises you're here." William's voice reflected his impatience.

"Okay, but, I'm hungry." I conceded.

"I'll explain everything later."

We left the lunch room and he lead me out to the great lawn.

"Okay, William, what is all this?" I confronted him.

"The students were planning on attacking you with insults and food." William explained.

My stomach gurgled. My cheeks grew red.

"Come on, let's duck fifth hour and get lunch." William smiled mischievously.

"Will, it's calculus, you and I both know that we can't miss that class." I frowned.

"I don't care, you're hungry and I can't let them throw insults and food at you." William's words shocked me.

"I'm a vegetarian, what eatery nearby sells vegetarian options?" I asked.

That was my last line of defense. The only reason I never ducked out during lunch.

"The salad bowl isn't that far." William smiled.

The salad bowl was a five minute drive from school. It was the town's only vegetarian eatery. It was my favroite place to eat. It sold only one meat option, which was a bacon cheeseburger.

"That's-" I started but William stopped me with a kiss.

"Don't overthink it." William whispered with his lips still inches from mine.

"Okay, let's go." I conceded.

William grabbed my hand and pulled me to the parking lot. We got into his blue Jeep. William drove out to the salad bowl. The red and green colors surrounded me.

We got our meals. William got a salad and I got a veggie burger. We sat in a secluded area of the place.

"How'd you find out that the students were planning that?" I asked.

"I have ways of finding things out. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to be alone with you." William muttered the last part.

"You set it up?" I bit into my burger.

"No, I know how important school is to you, I wouldn't take you from school for my own selfishness." William answered.

The rest of the day passed by and William met me at my locker after class. Then Courtney walked up to us. There was fire in her green eyes.

"Hey, Will, you going to the football game?" Courtney asked twirling a strand of her black hair around her finger.

"No," William's voice was clipped.

Courtney continued to flirt with William. Something in me was angry. I told myself I shouldn't be angry. We weren't dating.

"He's not interested." I growled.

"Oh, would you look at that? The bitch finally found her voice." Courtney sneered.

"Shut up or I'll make you." I glared at her heavily powdered face.

"What are you gonna do you little bitch?" Courtney narrowed her eyes at me.

I swung my fist at her. My fist caught her right in the right cheek. She staggered and looked at me in shock.

"Sadie!" William exclaimed.

I ignored him and punched Courtney again. She dodged my fist. I kicked her when she wasn't expecting it. My foot landed in her side. She fell to the floor.

I stood over her with my fist clenched so tight my nails started to dig into my palm. She started to laugh.

What was wrong with her? Didn't she know that I could hurt her? Why was she laughing?

"You made a huge mistake, bitch." Courtney laughed darkly.

"Oh, shut up" I growled and slammed my foot against her gut.

She groaned. I slammed close my locker and left the hallway with William.

A/N~ Sorry for being late, and this being so short. This chapter did have a lot of important information. Well, I gotta finish this and get to school. So...

Adios amigos 🐼

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