Chapter seventeen

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QUICK A/N~ just to let you know, I don't have school Friday and get out early on Thursday. This means I might be able to update a little more (or have longer more developed chapter). Just letting you guys know well in advance.


"Sades, when are you getting out?" Valery asked me as soon as the formalities were out of the way.

"I still can't... fully move my... body. Well I can... it just hurts a... lot." I answered.

Valery was spending December here. She was able to because the college she went to had no classes during December, and it was her first year being independent.

Val's mom was worried about her traveling. Val has gotten better at moving around in her wheelchair, but traveling was still harsh on her. Luckily, Val's friend, and roommate in college, offered to drive her up here.

Val had got here the night before I woke up. Madi was convinced that it meant something.

Madi was into that witch stuff. All girls go through a phase with witches. Madi's been in that phase for about two years. To be exact, two years, one month, and ten days. Not that I was keeping track.

"But, you can sit up now, that's that's improvement." Val twitched in the middle of her sentence.

"That's about my... limit. Can't you... tell that my... speech is worse?" I asked.

The doctors had let me sit up in the bed, supported against the back of the bed, at certain times.

They had told me that, even when I discharged, I'll still have to take it slow. This meant that I couldn't exercise regularly, if at all. I was peeved about that.

"Earth to Sades!" Val snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry... what were you... saying?" I snapped out of my trance.

"I was saying that you're going to to be an older sister. Well step sister. Your step mom is pregnant." Val smiled.

"Really?" I exclaimed, and instantly regretted it.

When I was talking above a whisper my chest hurt. The doctors told me that I was only allowed to have visitors when I was sitting as long as I kept talking to a minimum.

"Your father told me that he wanted to tell you the Wednesday that you went went into the hospital." Val explained. "He asked me to tell you."

"So... it's been... about a... month?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's also why you're step mom hasn't visited you yet. She she is weak. You know she's always been been weak." Val seemed uncomfortable talking about this.

"Val, my... birthday is Friday." I smiled. "I want you... to be there... for it... and also... Hadley and... Madi... Could you... invite them?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'd be here no matter what." Val smiled so kindly at me.

Val had been the closest with me. We were the same age. She skipped a grade and graduated early. Val was very academically gifted. We always knew she would graduate early.

Because of her incident, she had to go to a school with accomodations. But, Val had top marks. Her high school didn't want her to graduate early because she raised the school's percentile to the top in the state.

"Knock knock." William knocked his knuckles on the door.

I looked from Val to the door. William looked healthier than when I had woke up a week ago. He visited me everyday after school. On the days he couldn't come Madi came.

"See you, Sades" Val said before wheeling out of the door.

Val knew that I liked having time alone with William.

"Your birthday is coming." William smiled, sitting down in the chair beside my bed.

I smelt his cologne. It was a nice subtle smell. Even having been with him for three months, I still haven't gotten used to his smell. To be fair I was in a coma for one month.

William took my hand in his. A warm feeling filled my body. It made me forget about all the pain. It made me forget about all the hate I've gotten.

"The doctors... don't think I'll... be out in... time to... celebrate my... birthday." I frowned.

"We can have a little celebration just your close friends and family. Wouldn't you like that?" William smiled.

"Yeah, I... already... asked Val... She's here... for the month." I smiled.

William slowly moved his thumb across the back of my hand. His thumb found my oldest scar.

"What's this from?" William asked looking down at my scar.

The scar was right below the knuckle of my pointer finger. I remembered that scar because it was right where I rested my pencil when writing.

"I... got it... when I was... in fifth grade... I was being... foolish... tried to... open a box of... candy." I answered.

"Oh." William said. "Wait, you used a knife, to open a box?"

"Yes... as I said... I was... foolish." I replied.

"I was foolish too, just grew out of it by second grade. Wanna know what my foolish thing was?" William smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"I thought if I jumped out of a tree from a high enough branch, I'd fly." William explained.

"You... jumped out of... a tree?" I asked in disbelief.

I couldn't imagine William jumping out a tree. Not for flying.

"I broke my arm in three places. And sprained my wrist. It was a learning experience, and my cousin gave me ten dollars. He's the one who dared me to jump out the tree." William explained.

"You do... anything your... cousin dares you... to do?" I asked.

"If he pays me enough." William answered, seriously.

I found this funny. I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny? You're not supposed to be laughing, so it better be good." William frowned.

"I... just... can't... picture you... jumping out... a tree... for... ten... dollars." I managed to say through my laughing.

"My cousin did say the look on my face when I realized what was about to happen, while in midair, was priceless." William smiled reminiscently.

A/N~ Heyyo. I'm hyper. Sorry it took so long for me to get this chapter. Not a lot to say...

Adios amigos 🐼

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