Chapter fifteen

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Wednesday dawned with a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. I wasn't backing down. I had to be brave, for William, for Valery.

I pictured the last time I saw Valery in my mind. That picture kept me going.

Her black and blue streaked hair falling just past her ears. She always played with her lip ring. Her nails always were painted blue with the accent finger black.

Valery was a freshman the last time I saw her. She was probably in her senior year now. Maybe even graduated early. I had no way of knowing. She had moved after her incident, that had left her in a wheelchair.

The last time I saw Valery she had wheeled into my house in a wheelchair and said she was moving. There were a lot of tears that day.

Valery was sweet and loving. She was also in the fight club. That's how I knew her. Even though she was a freshman in high school, she was the same age as me.

Valery refused to fight a person and Ace's wrath was unforgiving. He had broken her spine. Luckily, Ace's wife had fond her and got her to the hospital before she died. Sadly, Valery lost the ability to move her legs.

Ace holds Valery as an example of what will happen if we cross him.

I wouldn't of decided to visit Ace if it weren't for a promise I made Valery that day before I never saw her again.

My mind was barely on my studies as I went through the day. I was dreading the school day to end. But, as time always seems to, the school day seemed to go by quickly.

"Hey, Sades, call me when you get home." William smiled.

"Okay, I might be tired when I get home though." I nodded.

I knew exactly what was going to happen to me. If worst came to worst, I could die. I knew that was likely to happen but I couldn't do the alternative. Not when Ace knows where I live and what William looks like.

I got into Madison's car. We didn't talk during the ride to her house.

Madi knew what her dad was capable of. She had tried to dissuade me from doing this.

We got there and Madi turned off her car but didn't unlock it.

"Are you absolutely, one hundred percent sure this is what you wanna do?" Madi looked me in the eye.

"Yes. I promised Val I wouldn't back down from any conflict. This is a conflict and I can't back down." I answered.

"Okay, remember mom and I will be close by, if it gets too out of hand-" Madi sighed.

"Say the safe word, Pineapple." I finnished.

We had arranged this yesterday. Ace would never dream of hurting his daughter or wife. We were going to use that to our advantage and if I felt I couldn't continue I was to shout out pineapple and the two would rush in and get between us. Madi's mom agreed to it, though she really wanted me to not do this.

Madi unlocked the door and we got out. I left my bag in the car. Together we walked up the driveway and into Madison's house.

"Dad!" Madi called.

She couldn't hide the shakiness in her voice. I mouthed to her that I'd be okay.

Ace came into the foyer. His piercing blue eyes landed on me and his lips turned up into a grin.

"She here of her own free will?" Ace asked his daughter.

"Yes." Madi nodded, putting on a brave face.

"Leave us." Ace said.

Madi gave me a small squeeze on the shoulder before leaving.

I'm not gonna lie, I was scared shitless. Ace was the leader of the fight club for a reason. He was cold and unforgiving, at best, when angry.

Ace motioned for me to follow him. I followed him back to the office. The office was his name for his torture room. All member of the fight room knew about it. No one ever comes out undamaged from the office. I doubted that Ace came out undamaged from it. But his damage was mental.

When I walked into the room I took in the scene. The room was dark and grimy. I spotted blood on the floor in a couple places. But what was the worst part was the wall.

The said wall had various pictures on it. These pictures were of his victims. All of them were bloody and unconscious. I spotted Valery's. That picture was my undoing. I knew that I couldn't take this.

William's words from Friday came back to me.

"I'm scared of losing you. I don't know when I became afraid of losing you, it just happened." William had whispered. "Please don't leave me."

Those words hit me hard. I couldn't do this. It would hurt William too much. I wanted to back out.

I reminded myself of Val's promise. I had to keep it. I couldn't back out.

Ace pushed me to the floor. He pulled a switch blade out of his pocket and touched it to my skin. A flicker of hesitation ran through his features.

"Are you sure?" Ace asked.

This was it, I could back down. I saw in his eyes that he didn't want to hurt me.

"No..." I said.

Ace lifted the blade from my skin. Then he changed his mind and the knife quickly descended towards my chest...

:) Sorry.

I woke up in the hospital room. William was sitting next to the hospital bed with his hand holding mine. He was looking down at my hand. I could see the signs of sleep deprivation in his face.

"Will." My voice was in a hoarse whisper.

His face lifted up to look at my face. It lit up when he saw my eyes.

"Sadie. I thought- I thought I- I lost you." William's voice was broken.

"I promised I wouldn't leave you didn't I?" I smiled, weakly.

"Why did you do it?" William asked, referring to going to Ace.

"Will, Ace is ruthless and will kill you to get at me. I didn't actually think he would..." I trailed off my sentence.

"Madison had a hell of a time explaining this to the doctors and your father. She wound up telling them that Ace stabbed you. Said he went deranged and stabbed you while you were having a study session with her." William explained.

"What's going to happen to Ace?" I asked.

"That mother fucker is going to jail for seven years." William answered.

A/N~ sorry for the short chapter. Yesterday's chapter was long so I can write a shorter chapter. Also sorry for kinda Cliffhangering you guys earlier. Anyways...

Adios amigos 🐼

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