Chapter twenty-two

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Mention of rape.

It was a cold night. I walked to the address written on a sheet of paper. This was it. After tonight I would be living in a constant web of lies. I would be in a fight club. I had no idea what was in store for me. I arrived at the house and rang the bell.

I waited for the door to open. I expected the man I talked to earlier today, instead a girl about a year ahead of me answered the door.

"Hi, you here to see Ace?" She asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

I didn't remember the guys name but I knew it sounded close to that. The girl let me in. She told me to sit on the couch and Ace would be there shortly.

I sat on the leather couch and studied the pictures on the walls. I spotted a picture of the girl who had greeted me and the guy. It seemed to be from last year. It was a graduation picture. Middle school graduation.

"Oh good, you came. I was beginning to think you were weak." Ace's voice came from behind me.

Something in his voice made my blood run cold in fear. I wasn't going to show it.

"Follow me." Ace instructed.

I stood up and follow Ace back to a dark room. The only thing in the room was a bed. Ace closed the door and locked it.

"This room is soundproof. Understand the more you struggle the rougher it will get." Ace explained.

My heart was racing. I connected the dots. Ace was going to rape me. This was my initiation.

Ace pushed me onto the bed and started stripping my clothes from me. I had worn three layers of clothes.

Ace pulled his clothes off. Then he started fucking me. I knew it was useless to struggle but it was natural instinct to struggle when you're being raped.

True to his word, the more I struggled against him, the rougher he got.

By the end of it, I was sobbing. Ace just laughed.

"You're pathetic. But, you'll make a decent fighter." Ace chuckled.

He threw me my clothes. Ace got dressed then left.

"Feel free to let yourself out. And don't speak to anyone about what happened." Ace said before closing the door behind him.

I dressed in my three layers of clothes. I waited a while for my tears to stop. When they finally did, I left the dark room and then the house. I walked back home.

It was midnight by the time I arrived back home. Father was worried sick about me. I gave him some lame excuse.

I went up to my room and flopped onto my bed. I was in a fight club. But, the price was my virginity. I was only an eighth grader.

I noticed, too late, that I was crying. William had pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. I was thankful for him. Will had stuck with me through my mental breakdowns, through my insecurities. And I was going to do the same for him.

"I love you, Will." I whispered into his neck.

"I love you too." Will responded.

My phone buzzed. I let go of Will and picked up my phone. There was a text from Madi.

I opened the text.

'you having fun?' it read.

':|' I texted back.

';)' Madi texted.

A/N~ sorry for the short chapter. I think the rest of my chapters are going to be short. Next chapter is going to of skipped a year in the story.

Adios amigos 🐼

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