Chapter twenty five

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I opened my laptop and went to the video chats. I clicked the icon for Will. It ring a couple times before connecting.

"Hi, I miss you." Will's face popped on screen.

"Miss you too. Happy Halloween." I smiled.

Just seeing Will made me happy. I didn't care how far apart we are, I will always love Will the most.

"I wish I could kiss you and hold you in my arms. It's not the same going to school without you." Will said.

"We only have about a month until we can be with each other." I sighed.

"Oh, but alas, time and distance seem to be against us." Will said dramatically.

"Indeed." I giggled.

"How long must I wait till I can kiss thine lips?" Will continued.

"'Tis only a month." I joined in.

"Oh dear Juliet, I will die without thine." Will said.

"Enough of the mushy mushy already." A male voice called from somewhere off screen.

"Shut up Arthur." Will turned away from the camera. "sorry about Arthur, he's upset cause he doesn't have a girlfriend."

"It's okay, I wanna tell you about this new guy Madi's been seeing." I changed the topic.

"What about him?" Will looked at me with interest.

"He's a obvious Fuckboy. But, Madi fell hard for him. And last night, he was over here with Madi, drinking my vodka, and decided to hit on me. I put him in his place though." I explained.

"Good. I've been taking jujitsu lessons." Will admitted.

"Really that's not applicable to life. I taught myself how to fight." I smiled.

"Well, it's the only classes I could afford." Will sighed.

"Didn't the public gym offer karate classes for a dollar?" I pretended to think. "They did."

"Well, I wasn't wanting to take classes then. And besides the point I never had a real need to take them then." Will blushed.

"Okay. Are you going to pick me up from the airport when I get back?" I asked.

"Yeah." Will nodded.

We talked for about three hours before my laptop notified me that my battery was dying. I told him then rustled through my desk to find the charger.

I found it right as my battery died.

"くそっ。" I muttered.

"What's that mean?" Madi asked.

She had been walking pass my room when I had muttered the profanity.

"It means Shit." I answered.

"Oh yeah you took Japanese all four years of high school." Madi thumped her head.

I plugged my laptop in and closed the lid. It wouldn't operate until it had a full battery.

"So, you going to the party? It's not too late to go." Madi asked.

"No, I should work on my new research paper." I shook my head.

"What's this one on?" Madi asked sitting in my bed.

"The similarities between George Orwell's book nineteen eighty four and schizophrenic tendencies." I answered.

A/N~ I hate short chapters. I have to write another chapter and it's late. I have three chapters left. Just warning you next chapter is going to be a month later.

Adios amigos 🐼

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