Chapter twenty three

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"You ready for Princeton?" Will asked, putting my bag in to his trunk.

"You ready for MTI?" I returned.

We were going to colleges in different states. His college didn't start until next week. I was in an early start program. We had arranged to meet up during break and call during free times.

"I'm going to miss you." Will whispered, wrapping me in a hug.

"I know, I'll miss you too. But, time always goes by quickly." I smiled.

"I hope it does, I hate not being with you." Will let go of me.

I turned around and gave him a kiss. Will pulled me closer to him.

"Alright love birds, are we leaving or not?" Madi asked from the car.

Madi had got accepted to Princeton. We were going to be roommates.

"Yeah, just gotta put this last bag in." Will answered.

He put my last bag into the trunk and we got in his car. Will drove us out to the airport.

Before letting me leave Will gave me a kiss.

"Stay safe. I love you." Will whispered.

"I will, I love you too." I responded.

I could see tears in Will's eyes. It tore me apart leaving him. But, it wasn't forever. We'd be back with each other in December. But it would only be for a week.

I gave him a final kiss and left. As I walked away, it felt like one of those sad movies. I wanted to run back to him and tell him I'll never be far from him. I knew that I couldn't. I knew Will understood that this was my passion.

We got on the plane and Madi turned to me.

"I can't believe that Princeton accepted me. I don't mind that I have to pay eight thousand dollars to go. We're going to be rock stars. Look out New Jersey here we come." Madi smiled.

I smiled. She was going to go to a community college in her new town until I convinced her to apply to Princeton. By some turn of fate, Madi was accepted.

I wasn't surprised. She was really smart. She just had to apply herself.

"I just wish that Will got into Lincoln Tech." I frowned.

He had been rejected because he skipped school so much. I felt like I was the reason he wasn't on this plane ride with us.

"Oh, nevermind that, we're going to party every night and get so drunk it hurts." Madi hooked her arm around me.

I forced a smile I didn't feel. I had promised dad that I wouldn't gain the freshman fifteen.

I found myself thinking back to my newborn brother. His bright blue eyes and chubby cheeks. Tyler was the reason I made that promise to dad. He was also the reason I was still alive.

At the end of senior year, I had gotten really depressed. My Scitzophrenia didn't help. I kept seeing things that made me want to kill myself.

One night it was too much. But then Tyler took his first steps. He had looked up at me with those big bright blue eyes and walked towards me. He wrapped his chubby little hands around me in a hug.

"I wobe yoo." Tyler said to me.

That had made me realize that I wasn't okay. I had told my father after that and he took me to my therapist as soon as he could.

"Hey, Sadie, you good there?" Madi waved her hand in front of my face.

"Yeah sorry. Just reminiscing." I answered.

"The flight attendant just offered you a bag of peanuts." Madi explained.

"No thank you." I turned to the fight attendant.

She walked away.

After we got off the plane, we spotted a dirty blonde girl holding a sign with our names on it. We walked over to her.

"Hello, my name is Kaitlyn. You can call me Lyn. I assume you are Sadie Everliegh and Madison Smith." She smiled at us.

"Yeah, I'm Sadie, you can just call me Sades." I nodded.

"I'm Madison, you can just call me Madi." Madi said.

"So, I'll be your roommate." Lyn explained.

A/N~ Hello. So prepared for two updates a day. I am going to finish this Wednesday. Even if I have to pull all nighters to finish it. I have six chapters. Now, time to go work on the next chapter.

Adios amigos 🐼

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