Chapter 1

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Today is like any other day. I wake up in the morning and do my daily routine to get ready for the day. School day that is. And that consists of me: getting breakfast, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, doing my hair, and a teeny tiny bit of make up. I don't wear a lot. Just eye-shadow, eyeliner, mascara, and a bit of blush. I'm not the type to cake myself up.

It usually takes me around 30 minutes to do everything and that's when I check my phone. I like leaving it on the charger a little bit longer when I wake up just to make sure my phone is at 100% by the time I leave and not 90% or something.

Emy💖: J you ready yet? Me and Abi have been waiting outside your house for like 10 minutes.

Peach🍑: ya. Hurry up

Jj💀: ya I just finished.

Emy💖: we're both here Abigail. You don't need to text her

Peach🍑: I know 😅

Those my best friends Emily and Abigail. We're all in a group chat together so that's my nickname. I grabbed my backpack and earbuds plugging them into my phone and playing the first song I see in my playlist before heading outside. I locked my door and walked up to Emily and Abigail.

Emily has short brown hair. Kind of like Daisy's from Mario. Just more realistic. And brown eyes instead of blue. Abigail on the other hand has blonde hair and blue eyes so I tease her and call her Peach. Hense her nickname in our chat. I call Emily Daisy sometimes too but she doesn't want it to be her nickname. Sadly. We all started walking to school talking about our weekends.

"James was out of the house most of the day so I had the house to myself." Abigail bragged. I decided to tease her.

"Thank goodness Bowser didn't kidnap you. I don't know where I could find a Mario to rescue you." Me and Emily just laughed. Abigail slapped my arm but laughed along with us.

Oh I forgot to mention! I've been best friends with these two since 6th grade. We're juniors in high school now. I was being bullied a lot and Emily stood up for me. We met Abigail because her so called "friends" ditched her for no legitimate reason and it was Emily's idea to go talk to her. I probably wouldn't have cause of my anxiety. But I'm glad she's our friend. Without them I have no idea how my life would be right now.

But anyways back to reality. We ended up getting to school and there's people everywhere. Which yes I know is normal but again... My anxiety tends to get really high when I'm in an area with a whole bunch of people. Which is why I'm only friends with two people. Not four or five. I get too nervous and quiet.

I started getting too lost into my thoughts until I walked right into someone and ended up falling backwards. Great. I looked up at the person after apologizing at least 10 times. His hand was held out to help me up. I took his hand and stood up.

"I-i am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I..."

"Its fine." He cut me off. His voice was a bit deep and raspy. Before I could say anything else he started walking away. I couldn't exactly tell what his face looked like but he was wearing a black sweater with dark red bats all over it. I kept looking at him for at least a solid 5 seconds until Emily snapped her fingers in my face surprising me a bit.

"Earth to Jade. You alive?"

"Huh? Oh sorry. What happened?"

"You walked right into that guy." Abigail looked a bit worried.

"Well I know that. I mean what happened before I walked into him?" I looked at both of them confused.

"So you didnt hear a thing I said?" Emily asked sounding a little offended.

"No sorry. I spaced out." I laughed nervously before taking a strand of my hair and twirling it around my finger. I tend to do that when I'm embarrassed or nervous. Emily just sighed before hooking her arm with mine and started walking.

"Derek broke up with his girlfriend so maybe you have a chance with him."

"You know I don't like him anymore. I kind of stopped once he got a girlfriend if you didn't notice." I rolled my eyes. I used to be head over heals for Derek. He was pretty much that iconic high school hottie and bad boy. I used to be extremely nervous when it came to talking to him so he'd mess with me about it. I decided to ask him out one day and before I did his now ex- girlfriend Vanessa came up from behind him and kissed him on the cheek and he wrapped his arm around her. Ya that broke my heart but I'm over him now. He probably wasn't worth it anyways.

"Speak of the devil." Abigail said causing me and Emily to look in Abigail's direction to see Derek drinking from a water fountain. He was wearing navy blue ripped jeans, black and white converse, a shiny black leather jacket, and a black shirt with the punisher logo on it. His hair was slicked back too. I swear he looks exactly like those greasers from the 1950s. He noticed me, Emily, and Abigail and walked up to us.

When he got to us, he looked right at me. I almost forgot what his eyes looked like. They were a shiny blue like the ocean. That kind of drew me to him in the first place. And then there's me with basic green eyes. Ya its rare but I'm more attracted to blue eyes if that wasn't obvious.

"Dang Jade its been a while since we've talked. How you been?" Derek pulled me into a hug. I'm just gonna assume this right now that he thinks I still like him straight off the bat.

"Same as always." Was all I responded with. Nothing really interesting happens in my life. Maybe the times me, Emily, and Abigail all go out and have a girls day but that's pretty much it.

"Ahh I see. I've been having a pretty boring week." I really don't feel comfortable talking to him right now and its hard keeping myself from twirling my hair around my finger.

"Hey, how about he hang out for a bit after school. I was thinking..."

"She already has plans." Emily cut him off. Thank goodness.

"Oh really? What are you doing?" He tilted his head looking at me. If I opened my mouth I was probably gonna start stuttering cause I do that when I lie. So I'm clearly someone who tells the truth... 90% of the time in my life.

"She has to help her sister with her bakery." Abigail jumped in. I mentally sighed in relief.

"Nice. What is it called?"

"Sweet Mia's Bakery." I blurted out. Damn it. I wasn't exactly lying. Mia is my older sister who runs a bakery near my house. Emily and Abigail both looked at me.

"I might visit some time. Well im gonna head off to class. It was nice catching up with you Jade." Derek walked off after that. I didn't say anything back. Emily and Abigail stood in front of me while crossing their arms.

"What?" I looked at both of them.

"You only help her on the weekends." Emily said. I want to guess she mentally slapped me in her head. But who knows.

"I guess I'll have to convince her to let me help after school then." I laughed nervously. Emily and Abigail both rolled their eyes and we all started walking to class.

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