Chapter 33

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I ended up staying the night at Emily's and she let me borrow one of her outfits. I Didn't feel like going back to my house to change so ya. Emily, Abigail, and I all walked to school and as soon as we got there, I was pretty much looking all around us to make sure Brandon wasn't around. Sadly, I saw him talking to a group of guys but thankfully he didn't notice me, but for extra precaution, I quickly rushed to the bathroom. When I walked inside, there was a girl putting lipstick on in front of one of the mirrors that were about the sinks. She had long brown hair that was pulled back into a high ponytail. I tried to pay no attention to her but she looked directly at me a few seconds after I walked in. She had green eyes kind of like mine just a bit darker.

"Oh hey! You're Jade right?" I was silent for a moment but soon nodded. "Do you know whether Jace is coming back to school or not?"

"No. He might not be coming back for a while. Why?" I responded. The girl took her hair out of the ponytail and twirled a few strands of it around her finger. Ummm... That's my thing!

"Darn. He said he needed to win a bet he made with his friends and I was hoping he'd come up to me by now."

"What bet?" I tilted my head to the right slightly and looked at the girl with a confused look on my face.

"He had to bring a cute girl back to them. But then his brother came and they had to take care of family business I guess." She just shrugged and was about to walk past me but I stopped her.

"Ummm... Sorry to disappoint you sweetheart but, Jace is my boyfriend. And he doesn't have a brother." Okay I know me and him haven't exactly made anything official yet but I'm sure it's safe to say we are.

"You sure about that? Cause he called ME cute and complimented MY green eyes." She shifted her body to the right and placed her left hand on her hip. I stood in front of her and crossed my arms. "Besides, aren't you dating that Brandon guy? He just moved here didn't he?"

"I'm not dating Brandon. He knows about Jace as well. And there's no way Jace would want someone like you. You don't even know why he's not in school."

"Oh, like you know why?"

"Yes actually. He and I are involved in it but it's affecting him way more than me." She just looked at me and didn't say anything. I turned away and was about to walk out of the bathroom but then she called out to me.

"Prove it then." I slowly turned back around and faced her again.


"Prove that he's your boyfriend." I fully faced the girl and gave her a kind of death glare.


"Take a picture of you two kissing and show me. No! A video. you might try photoshopping the image." I just rolled my eyes and turned away again.

"Deal. When I win, don't talk to Jace again. Or else."

"Or else what?" I chuckled a bit.

"You don't wanna find out." I then walked out of the bathroom. As soon as I walked out, Emily and Abigail were waiting for me. They told me they heard me talking to someone in the bathroom and asked what happened but before I got the chance to tell them, the bell rang for our first class. I told them I would tell them what happened at lunch and they were okay with that. My first 3 hours were kind of boring honestly. I didn't have Jace here to make me laugh during class and some people kept asking me where he was and I had to tell them 'I don't know.' I really don't know where he is cause he can't exactly be at home with that Xavier guy looking for him and Jason trying to kill him and me pretty much. 

When the lunch bell rang, I told Emily and Abigail that I didn't want to sit where we normally do. They asked me why and I said I didn't want Brandon coming up to us and asking me about me and Jace. They understood so we sat inside the cafeteria instead after we got our food.

"Can you please tell us what happened in the bathroom this morning now?" Abigail was pretty much jumping in her seat. I laughed a little before taking a sip from my drink. I told them about what happened and Emily started to look annoyed.

"Wait so you and Jace made it official now?" Abigail had a smile on her face after asking that question.

"Well not yet. I want to but it's better to wait until the whole thing with Jason and Xavier blows off." Emily turned her head and faced Abigail.

"You're worried about if they're dating or not and not that some whore is trying to take Jace away from her?"

"Not really. Jace loves her like crazy. Plus he's a vampire. He needs to eat...or drink. So maybe he told her those things to try and trick her." Emily looked down at her food with a blank expression.

"Fair point." Me and Abigail started to laugh our asses off until I felt someone sit next to me and wrap their arm around my waist.

"You are absolutely right about that precious." I looked at Abigail and she froze. I then looked at who was next to me and you wouldn't believe it... fucking Xavier. UGH!

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked while removing his hand from my waist. He just laughed.

"I wanted to hang out with my favorite girl. Is that a bad thing?"

"YES!" Emily, Abigail, and I all said in unison. 

"Awww. How so?" He smirked while keeping his eyes on me.

"Well for one, you don't even go to this school. And two, you and Jason are trying to kill Jace. For no fucking reason."

"Actually, there is a reason. I'm just not saying mine. And if you didn't notice from my last encounter with the both of you and Jason, me and him are against each other but want the same thing. Also, I just enrolled  in this school and they told me I could come to lunch. So get used to seeing me everyday my little emerald." Xavier lifted my head by my chin and moved his face close to mine as if he were to kiss me. I quickly looked away and he chuckled before getting up from the table and walking away. I looked at both Emily and Abigail and they looked at me terrified. I just sighed and put my head down on the table. This is going to be hell.

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