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the withering scenery in front of me is rather a soothing scene to look at, white and red roses withering from their once blooming petals — in the end, it willingly dies to enclose their aesthetic life.

drips of water glides down as it reaches the soil. i profusely try to cast away my reverie as i find it quite nauseating that i can't even for once remember what happened around seven to eight years ago.

what was it?

what accident was i involved in?

an exasperated sigh puffs out of jae's lips as he massages both sides of his temples and i look up, concerned with the mountainous files and paper stacking up on his desk. "what's wrong?"

he tries to smile, yet when the creases were about to line into a smile, it downcasts and he closes his laptop instead, "the emails are piling up for me to read, consider and reply. plus there's nothing for me to fill in the show for two to three minutes tommorow. we're done for..."

jae rises up from the chair and walks back and forth around the studio, my eyes trail to him as he comes to a stop and faces the recording room.

"leave that to me, you're stressing out too much." i try my best to calm him down, not when he's about to meet his fiancée's parents in two days.

"you sure about that? i mean you've been spacing out and having troubles with your sleep this days," he says and it backfires with my intentions.

he's not letting this go.

"i'm completely sure! so why don't you go home now, it's already past midnight and i'm sure rina's having a hard time sleeping cause you're not home yet." i now stand up and grabs his duffle-bag and shoves his phone and laptop along with some other things that belongs to him and then handing it to him.

"thank you mina, i'll make sure to send everything from home." i force him out the building and he simply smiles along with a couple of 'be save' and 'don't overwork yourself ' to be repeated.

i slump deeply in my chair and goes back to the withering rose in front of me.

what's actually happening to me?

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