36: 읽다

78 13 7


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when yoongi said those three words to me i knew it too quick that my whole perspective in every single thing i know would cripple down.

and it did, it hit me with all sorts of confusion trudging me back to take more than a step back, almost stumbling me to stop all those conflicting thoughts that would come and go when we sat in the park.

"remember when i told you to believe more in what your heart says and not your memories? well i need you to keep that in mind now." was what yoongi told me first as we settled on a bench facing the playground.

it's when my mind starts to float into something, more to someone else as yoongi starts his converse.

you, it's you mina.

with that exhaustion i have, it brings me back to the hospital where i'm now sitting on a metal bench appointed to a daycare.

giggles and cries fills myself as i please myself with the sight, a rather joyous one.

it's when i see things like this makes me want to go back to the times where i was still pure, innocent, untainted by this world. i missed being someone who has no clue about the slightest bit in life.

sipping the cup of coffee i have in my grasp, i gulp the liquid down as i start to go back to her room — now already standing up.

until, a soft thud makes its way to my ears, a firm yet gentle feel holding and grasping on my abdomens now.

when i do realize it, traces of memories welcomes me with a tint of sadness behind it.

what's with this deja vu?

some kind of surprise holds my wondering mind when i look down to meet a pair of eyes that once met mine.

he chuckles when he realizes before taking little steps back and keeps his eyes on mine.

my lips immediately form the same line when i first met him. "we meet again juhyo," i say with the cheeriest voice i can say, not even taking a chance to sound dull or even gloomy in front of him.

he laughs breathlessly with his tiny hands now wrapped around his tummy. "yes i guess so hobi hyung," he agrees cheerily with a nod, taking my hand, two fingers actually and pulling me wherever he's taking me to.

"wow, slow down there young man."

"umm, i don't want to?" he manage to sound innocent yet that cheeky grin he has tells me the otherwise.

i sigh silently when he lets go of my hand, my brows clash against one another once i realize where he pulls me to.

the cafeteria.

"wait here." with that he leaves me alone to scan the area for any remaining seat.

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