
"Whats wrong with you? We were making friends... Uniting to be able to have resaurces" I yelled at him he points his gun at me the power gone to his head

I got mad at him and started throwing rocks at him as he started shooting at me. I couldn't die so I could hold the pain. I quickly hit his head and out of frustration he threw the gun to the floor. I punched him really hard and he looks at me. A crazed look in his eyes as he then grabs me by the neck.

Opening the window with my body if he throws me he will be able to inmobolize me long enough to get all the unloaded guns. I quickly pushed and punched him hard. He glares at me anger evident.

"So what!? We're better of on our own!" he yells at me as he grabs the bat "I will hurt you if you interfere!"

"Hurt me? We're both immortals thanks to your idiotic idea!" I yelled at him

He went to swing but I grabbed it and I quickly pushed him out as hard as I could. He fell neck first to the tree and his body convulsed. I have not much time. I grabbed the knife in the floor and rushed picking up all the small unloaded guns and a snipper. Making in total of six guns. I handed Maddie the snipper and I grabbed my bag placing the rest of the small guns inside.

I rushed everyone before he returns back he has no abilities. Unlike me. But I needed everyone to leave with the other humans. To stay alive. I gave Kyle my notebook. All the secrets and magic spells to multiplate and recreate. The rest of the spells were in my original book. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I felt my heart brake when he saw me handing the copy of "Secrets of my Heart"

I heard panting and I turned around seeing him anger and his blood returning to his body. I handed him my bag and held the silver dagger on top of my heart. I was ready for this for a long long time. He froze. Everyone froze. I sighed out I won't die but he will. Being the third bitten. The other two are dead so he is the last one. I stared at him deep in the eyes. As tears streamed down my eyes as I felt guilt towards Kyle.

"Lea... The horse's antidote is in the bag... Lua'na cooking book in bag... It was gonna be your birthday gift but looks like... I won't be able to celebrate your 15th birthday" I sniffled as I then started to dig the knife making him wince in pain his chest turning black "And Kyle..."

"No... I... I... We need you" he was able to cough out while crying

"I..." I winced as a dug the knife harder passing my rib cage pain coarses through my veins making the tears worse "I... Left you a note inside the copy... Th-The real one is... is enchanted it can't be destroy'd and on-only I can open it when alive"

I could feel the hope in his eyes but he growled out "Stop IT!"

With pain and flinchingness in his body he rushed towards me. I knew he would try to remove the dagger before he could die. I waited for him to get closer and I had a silver stake one inside the sleeve. Thin and short but can kill. I don't know if it will fully work so I always come prepared.

"And one more thing Kyle..." I glanced at him as I let one more tear slide "I do love you..."

I glared at him and the tears flowed down like a cascade in a storm. I rushed to him pain in every move I make. Tackling him hand with dagger to chest and chest to leg. He had kicked up by the impact the dagger stabbed my heart. I winced in pain as I tried to breath. My body convulsed. As it tried by force to go to slumber. But I activated the stake stabbing his heart. The pain he felt. The scream he made.

Made me wince and feel guilty for not making it a quick painless death. But I had to do it. The silver is never painless. His body turned to dust I tried standing up. But my body fell to the side. I couldn't move.

Fire started to coarse through my veins

Though I was not a flame

This is a curse I must place in slumber

For all the years to cumber

Only the pure of heart

Can awaken this darkest of soul

I started to close my eyes as I was able to mumble out "Am sorry... Kyle..."

Darkness consumes me as my body goes numb. I had entered dream land and I knew well it can turn into a nightmare with a flick of a wrist.


I sat up gasping my stomach twist and turn with hunger. Did Kyle remove the dagger? What happened? Lua'na must be still crying her eyes out. If Kyle removed the dagger he must be next to me. I glanced to the side seeing a guy. The dagger in hands. So it was not Kyle. Then where am I? I took a quick look around and it was dark. This must be a cave.

"Tell me..." I ordered out "What year is this?"

I looked at him and he stutters a bit "Nov 10, 2019"

I stand up with no hands while saying "What? I couldn't have slept for that long!"

I could feel his terror and it was huge. It made me feel alive again with adrenaline. I could smell the fear and hear his blood rushing through his veins. I looked at him and inhaled there was a second scent in here. I glared at him at the realization.

"You did not remove the dagger..." I got of the table

I looked at it and Kyle's carvings were here I felt my heart twist and ache. There was no second presence in here and I just looked at the guy on the floor. Trembling like a little girl when seeing her family die before her eyes. Thats what I saw in war. Houses destroyed. Families separeted. Children raped or killed. Friends becoming enemies. People fighting for food. Abandoned kids.

I took a step towards him and the dagger in his hands. I must find my book as well as the copy of my book. But I must find Kyle. He should have drank my blood years ago. Lua'na must be still alive and so is the rest. Lea. She was so young. Maybe she is still alive. Just like Kyle as Lua'na. I stared at the trembling boy. Blood. I need it so badly. But I never take without permission nor I take human blood. I did it once and look at what it caused me.

"I shall need my dagger... Human..." I warned him

His eyes rolled back I groaned out. I never scared humans back then and people that I don't know I refer to them as humans. I only know of like three four humans maybe and I call them by their respectful names. Maddie. Kyle. Lua'na. Most importantly Lea. The poor horse must have died of age. Or from the war.

I grabbed the dagger and placed it beside my foot. I don't want this human to get hurt. I sighed out. I need more answers. I do not know the language humans speak now. New places. Or are there more animals. Do they know about my kind. Did they know about our war? How did the war end? I need this humans guidance on this moment and fainted is not going to help me.

I started slapping his face gently while shaking him. Humans are such weird creatures and this era looks like humans are weaker than years back. I sighed out until I heard him groan. His eyes opening slightly encountering my own.

"Oy human... I need to ask you a few questions..." I told him a bit greedy

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