I yawned lowly and I was still ok. My barrier was never activated and I had no threatening situations. I heard a gentle snore and I looked to the edge of my bed. There fast asleep was Michael. What? I covered my chest and I pocked Michael on the cheek. He mumbled incoherently and I decided to poke him more.

I pocked him a bit hard by the nose and he awoke a bit afraid. He looked around panicked. His breathing was rough and his heart raced. Then he looks my way and his face turns beet red. He looks down to the covers as he tried his best to calm down his breathing.

"Am sorry Rose... Dad asked for you last night but you were so peaceful I decided to wait until you awoke but I must have fallen asleep... I apologize" he says as he shuts his eyes tightly

"It is ok... Do you know why he needs me?" I asked gently

"No he just looked mad and asked for you" he tells me as he kept his eyes closed

I smirked darkly and I grabbed Michael by the arm and yanked him into my bed. He panics and tries his best to leave the bed but I slam his hands on the bed. Holding him down and he kept his eyes shut. I got on top of him and just tilt my head.

"You may be Kyle's grandchild and Henry's eldest but I never got your age" I asked curiously

"A-Am 18..." He stutters gently

I inhaled his scent and I could feel his fear but his pure? "Your a virgin?"

He snap his eyes wide open to stare at my own. I knew it. All those party's and no sex. Weird. Humans back then were already having sex the moment a young girl becomes a woman. When her period arrived. Such young age for woman to have gotten married. But know children in this era must be over 16 to have sex and with someone a year older than them. Or if way older then they must be over 18 to do so. The laws in this land have changed many times.

Even a world for men who marry under age children are called Pedophiles. His face got red a really dark red. He didn't date look dow. I just smiled. I don't know why but this is enoyable. I sniffed at him and he tried to get his face away from my own. But it only outstretched is neck. I could see his veins pulsing lightly and I couldn't resist and lick his neck. I could some how taste his blood and I felt my heart beat loudly.

I felt his dick rise in joy for my attention. But I don't want that. I want the thick healthy blood flowing through his veins. I want to taste it. Drown myself in it. I wanted to feel joy. Feel alive. I want to bite down into his neck and feel that ectasy. I don't know why but I want it. Feel sex. While bitting the moment I orgasm. I want to make him feel good.

"R-Rose" he stutters out afraid

"Don't worry... It won't hurt at all" I whispered to him gently

I gently licked his neck again and his whole body slowly arches. This movement only encouraged me to grace my teeth at his neck. I heard a gentle groan as he raises his hips upwards. I hummed excitedly and he spun us around. He pinned me down on the bed. I was surprised this time. Where did he get this strength? His human and my blood doesn't give any special powers. He leaned down and started nearing my breath. He holds both hands with one and with his know free hand he fondled my left boob.

I felt confused but the moment he flicked my hard neeple I gasped. I was sensitive. I can't believe it. I can't believe it and I just looked at him as he bit his lip. It turned me on the way he dominated me. In a way my breathing got harsh and I did my best to not moan or flinch at each move he did. Suddenly he was tackled off of me and I looked to the side. Michael and... Dante?

I quickly stood up and slapped Dante behind his head "What the fuck are you doing?"

He ruined my attempt to get Michael's blood "He was on top of you! Your mine! And I thought you two were cousins"

"Verbally not legally or by blood!" I snapped at him

He gets off of Michael and stands in front of me "Wait... So... He calls you cousin just like that?"

"I call him cousin since young so he ended up copying me even at this age" I tell him as I cross my arms I had to lie I can't tell him the truth

He crosses his arms and looks me straight in the eye "Why is it that you lie to me so much and not once have you told the truth to me?"

I felt surprised and I say annoyed "How do you know if I am lying or not?"

He tensed up and then spoke "Been lied for all my life so I know when someone is lying"

I glared at him and say "Know look who is lying!"

I pocked at his chest angrily "At least I don't lie all the time!"

"So what! Your nothing to me!" I snapped at him and I pushed his shoulder a bit

He glares back and he gets so close to my face "I am... Your mine! Not anybody else"

He grabs me by the shoulders and I felt sparks in that gentle contact. We seperated from each other and I looked at his hands. I was ready to reveal what I am if I get the answer. I gave my back to him and I looked at the open door. Nobody.

"What the fuck are you?" I asked angrily

I remembered poor Michael who didn't even dare to speak or more "Why should I tell you?!"

I should have guessed it so many lies and he is not human I aimed my arm towards him. Roots shot from under me and he jumped to the side black leather wings spread. His eyes turned red and he had fangs. My whole body froze at the sight of him. His a pure blood? How? I thought they all died. I took a step back and I felt hurt for some odd reason. The bit of power I had I made clothes appear to cover myself.

"How did you know?" He asked annoyed as he hovered towards me

"I-I... Di-Didn't" I answered sadly

I gave my back to him "Wait no..."

I turned around and screamed as tears streamed down "STAY AWAY FROM ME!"

Wind blew past me and he collided with the wall. My eyes wide open and I tensed up. I hurt him. Michael was on his back groaning. I shut my eyes as tears streamed down. It made me growl. Why do I feel so hurt? Why do I feel betrayed? Why do I want blood so bad? Why Michael? What is Michael to me? What is Dante to me? Two guys. I gripped my head and my growl got louder. Wind surrounded me and I felt eyes on me.

I hugged myself as pain surged into my heart it made me cough. My whole body felt hard and my back burned. It burned strongly and I wanted it to stop. I felt a hand and I glared to the side. Kyle. He has a few cuts in his face and I felt surprised. A root was stabbed to his chest. I gasped. 'No!' My eyes wide open and I gritted my teeth. A root is stabbed to my shoulder. I screamed in pain. Blood oozed down my shoulder. I can't control myself anymore and its hurting me more than suppose.

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