
"Come on Aunty Rose... We want to know what happened?" Little Lea had sat down in front of me as I took a sip of my green tea

"I shall speak of it... But young one must bring herself some snacks so she can enjoy this story..." I had tell her

This small girl looks more and more like Lea. Is she a reincarnation of Lea Summers. She must be I can sense it. But the human named Satoushi. She looks awfully familiar but I must find my spell book and Kyle had went to fetch my journal and Copy of my spell book.

The young one rushes of to the kitchen and I just laughed a bit. But I took the oportunity to grab the plastic bottle painted black. To drink my pigs blood with no fear of little Lea watching when done I closed the cap and placed it on the coffee table. After ten months I was able to control my thirst again miraculously it was strong and I couldn't believe it. Lea had came back giggling. A bag of animal crackers and a small bag of grapes and a medium sippy cup in hands. This little one is as hyper as Lea was.

Though I must stop comparing her because the moment she grows up she won't be as happy and hyper as she is know. When I met Lea she was ten. When I sacrified myself for their safety Lea was like fourteen. This young one is like nine. I sighed out. A promise is a promise.

"Lets see where I left of..." I mumbled as I thought for a bit smiling "Oh yeah... Monster! They had yelled at me as they saw my wounds heal..."


"M-Monster!" One yelled as he saw how my wound was healing and my eyes turned red

"Run!" The other says as he sees how I look know

Both soldiers run of and I yelled "Me! A monster! Speak of yourselves you peeving perverts!"

I turned around and the young girl flinches "Wh-What are you?"

"Humans... Never have an open mind of what lies underneath their noses" I mutter as I helped her up

"Your a vampire... But usually... Your kind... Kind is hidding" she says afraid as she took a step back

"Yeah no... I haven't drank human blood yet so I am perfectly human... Until I don't know when" I say while shrugging

"Thanks... Am... Am Lea" she says afraid as she outstretches her arm

"You humans will never learn but... My name is Rose... I won't hurt ya... I will protect you" I tell her with a slight smile

"I want to thank you for saving me!" She yells in my face

"Do not fret human... It is alright just run along back to ye family" I tell her as I slightly push her

"I have no family... I only have my brother..." The way she spoke about her family tore my heart

My family died in a fire so I tell her "Alright human... Meet me here tomorrow... I will be here at noon"

She smiles and runs of the weird presence gone. Days had gone by and the human and I started to hang out more often then expected. Until I stopped calling her human and had started usi g her name. I had even told her my full name and she had told me hers. Lea Summers Clearwaters. Never expected that I assumed she would have cute last names. My emotions to humans started to grow as I protected them more. But I only stayed hiden only shown to Lea. Nobody else.

Until today.

"Ruby! You should meet Kyle and Lua'na!" Lea had yelled as her brother followed her

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