I coughed out blood as I removed the black thorn. I tried to stand up but the whole place shook. My eyes wide as I looked to the side. Ruby looks very much pissed of. Each step she took the whole house shook. Arnold is passed out at the other side of the living room. Celeste was clutching onto her Granddaughter. Her memories aren't there yet but she still protects the innocent.

Nate was glaring at Celeste with her granddaughter Satoushi. Poor girl. She must have not known about any of this. Maximilian. Little Lea. Jewels. Rex. We were lucky enough to knock them out as well as Jean and Henry with their partners. We didn't want them getting involved with this fight. I wanted to stop Ruby before she gets a head of herself.

Another black thorn stabs at me but this time it was my shoulder. I hissed out in pain as I then remove it easily this time. Maddie is glaring at me as she looks very much angry and Nate looks happy. We denied their requests and this is what we get. The elevation was cancelled and I fall knee first to the floor. What?

I looked and Maddie was being wrapped by thorny vines. Nate's wicked smile grew more as he already knew who had come forth. Bad side Maddie will die for a second time and Nate as well. The vines melted away from Nate's legs so she used fire instead. Nate looks surprised. Ruby's eyes were glowing with anger.

"How dare you attack my home?" her voice is all echo and I felt terrified

I have never felt this type of anger before. She is so angry and Nate looks in her direction but she was almost standing in front of me. If she saw what happened to Dante she would become even more furious. Wait where is Michael? I know Lea told me that Michael was having his way to mark her so I expected to fight to leave them alone.

Michael is unstable right know and maybe this was on purpose they toyed with Ruby's emotions and as well as Michael's emotion to distract them. But it failed miserably. I did my best to stand up but vines wrapped around me making me stay down. I looked at her confused but my wounds were healing slowly.

Her wings expand blood slide down her back as she had forced her wings out "I came to take what is rightfully mind"

"Nothing is yours in this house... You lost all rights when you forced me to drink your vile blood" she snaps at him as a black thorn appears from the floor and stabs him

He glares at her "I still have rights you bitch... I will not be weak like you... I will show this pesky people I am strong..."

"It's been years since the war... Your are not strong in this era" Ruby answers him in return

"I am stronger than you" he says as he makes the vines dissappear

Ruby starts laughing and he looks at her with more anger "Stronger than me? I am basically 400 years old know I think even older... Do you know how much power I have to kill you in seconds but I won't"

"Why haven't you?" he snaps at her

"I promised your sister to bring your ass back to reality but... If you become my enemy I have no choice but to kill you" she says with no emotion

"My sister... She is weak... I should have turned her a long time ago and she would have understood how strong she would have become if she was with me... Brother and Sister ruling the world" he laughs out as a black aura surrounds him

I looked to the side and saw Lea. She looks hurt but I think his words hurt her more than what we expected. She slithers out from the hallway and looks at her brother. He was laughing like a maniac. He attacks Ruby with his black aura but Ruby slaps it away with her wings. Like a fly. Lea was confused but we noticed how Ruby was just looking at the floor. Maddie calling Nate to help her but Nate was too entranced in trying to kill Ruby and drink her blood.

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