I jumped towards the wall as he tried to cut me. I kept dodging him. He tried to get out the window but my roots are stronger than him. He glares at me and growls loudly at me and I felt such confusion. How can he be so blind that quickly? I jumped forward tackling him to the floor he growls out and I then noticed the smell of blood. My fangs full on out and I wanted it too.

I bite my own lip and I held him against the floor. Blood accumulating inside my mouth and I held it right there. I used the roots to hold him by the ankles. I heard anger from behind that door and I knew Nate is here. He planned this. I have to control him. How? Blood. Duh. I held his hands and I opened my mouth gently. His eyes wide open as blood started sliding down my mouth.

I smiled gently at him and whispered out "You'll only crave my blood from know on"

His dark eyes brightened as drops of blood lands near his mouth and eye. I bit my lips too hard and I am bleeding a lot. He leans a little and so I leaned down gently. His eyes relaxed and his whole body calmed down as well and I felt such relaxation knowing he still trusts me. Our lips collided and he groans out. I was on top of his dick and I felt it hardened. I held his hands entangling it as I moaned gently.

His fang got stuck on my own lips and I moaned gently it is exciting. Why? I pull a little and I got another kiss. On my chest. His hands released from my own and he holds me around the waist. He sits quickly and I wrap my legs around his waist. I felt a slight pain on my neck but it made me moan again. I was feeling so weak but he grabs my ass as he made me move a bit.

I felt it. How hard it is. How it presses against my core. How I want it inside me. A hand slides against my core rubbing me so slowly. I moaned gently and my legs are shaking already. His bite got harder and I moaned a bit louder. He growled. His legs moved and it made him growl again. Do I release the restraints on his ankles? I heard the zipper and I felt a slight panic start to rise in me.

His fangs removed from my neck as he licks my wounds slowly. I felt so weak that the roots around his ankles were gone. I maintained my consciousness for the door and windows. I heard loud thumps around the home.

"We... We... can-can't continue... They need... need... need... our help" I did my best to speak but man he got me so entranced

"No... I want you... I will keep you and I will make you mine" he growls out

He slams me against the floor and he removes my pants. I covered myself as I felt my face heat up the roots on the door got stronger. When someone tried barging in. I looked to the door and nobody is there. My hands were removed and I looked back at Michael who had his dick out. Its thick and almost as big as Dante's dick. This will hurt. Again. He kisses me as his dick slides in. I gasped out as it hurts a lot. Its thicker than Dante's. 

How? How the hell did that happen? Man this hurts so much. For a second time why does it hurt? The moment he started moving inside me I felt my whole world spin as pain was still there. He was growling lowly and I shut my eyes tightly as I felt pain at my core. Michael. How can Michael's personality change so easily? He is so dominant know. 

His emotions are wider know being what he is and whatever it is calling to him is making him do this actions. My whole world spin as I felt the spot being hit. The pain forgotten as he found what pleasures me most. I can't stop him. But how do I? I can't give up know. 

I shut my eyes as all I needed to do was weaken him. Yes I have to weaken him to then go and help the others because if I let him continue he won't just finish of the first time. He will want to keep doing it for hours. I pulled him to me quickly and I needed to drink more of his blood. Weaken him with body. I quickly bite into his neck making him groan out. I shut my eyes tightly as I felt it harden more inside me. He didn't stop moving and his blood tasted so good. 

I swallowed a lot as I bite down harder and that's when I felt it. The warm substance inside me and I quickly held him to me. My wounds healing faster know and I wrapped the vines around him without hurting him. I am afraid of pulling him out of me but when I removed my fangs I moaned lowly as I moved him out from inside of me. 

Fuck. Now two boys have fucked me. He growl out to me as he struggled with the vines. I quickly placed it back inside his pants and carefully zipped it up. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he froze. I think the faded strength is kicking in. 

"Am... sorry..." 

"It's ok dummy... Know stay put!" I basically ordered out 

I quickly rummaged around the drawers and grabbed a dress and an underwear. No time. I changed quickly and then I made my vines from the door to get down. There lying on the floor coughing was Lea as her slithery tail is all slightly burned. I growled as rage started rising inside me. I looked to the side and saw Lua'na unconscious and the door to the children's room wide open. 

I run to the door and saw all the kids passed out. No wound in sight. Little Lea was on the side of the bed a doll in hands. Knock out gas maybe? I heard a loud thump and a scream of pain. I started going towards the stairs to see who is here and attacking. Lea's husband Buck is on the stairs hurt. His tail with a few stab wounds.  Basically in all his body he even had more stab wounds. 

A body collides with the wall and my heart tore at the person sliding down the wall. He coughs a bit as he looks forward angrily. I closed my mouth hard and I just took one step and everything trembled. 

Something stabs Kyle and my eyes wide as his blood splattered around 'KYLE!'

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