"Yeah Grandma Celeste use to talk about some strong girl... Kept trying to unite everyone and make them all happy and smile" Satoushi says with a big smile

"Wait so... How is she? Is... Is she still alive?" I asked gently

"Well... Yeah but... She can only remember war and blood shed" Satoushi tells me gently

My heart ached as I can relate. Waking up to only remember war and blood. Rapes and tears. It was a difficult time and so I decided to go visit Celeste one last time. Should I tell Satoushi the truth? Did Celeste tell her about me?

I coughed a bit and asked gently "Did she mention a young girl? The strong girl's secret?"

"Yeah but mom always told me it was just fairy tails and lies... And so I always believe the wars but never the girls powers it was all fantasy" Satoushi tells me laughing a bit

"So she did try to maintain my secret but in family... Not to the world" I mumbled out gently

"Wh... What?" She asked me surprised

"Satoushi meet me at the cave... Where a casket was placed" I tell her gently

"Why?" She asked gently

"If Celeste tried telling you old stories and nobody believed her... Then... I will tell you the story of Celeste and Ruby... In the cave my great grandmothers book is still barried..." I lied to her gently

"What time?" She asked me curiously

"Before the moon hits its peek" I tell her as I looked at the sky

"Before Midnight?" She says gently

"Yes..." I answer quickly

"I will speak with Jean so she can help me explore a bit more" I tell her with a smile

"Jean?" She asked curiously "Like as Jean Kyle's daughter?"

"Yeah... I live with them for the time being" I tell her gently

"Grandma Celeste told me to give her a wrapped up book..." Satoushi began as the next words made my heart twist "She says that Jean will know to who'm hand the book to"

'That's Celeste for ye... I think its a Journal or... If I am correct she found the book of spells I was looking for' I looked at Celest and smiled. She smiled back. I so want to read Celese Journal but Celeste journals are passed down by descendants. Satoushi looks like she loves Celeste to death so I won't ask for it. Maybe Celeste has a few of her other Journals. Since our first encounter until the last.

Lea must be written in her Journals as well. Celeste is my only hope to know what happened to Lea while I slumber. Satoushi must be reading her journal to keep the bond of her grandma alive. Or keeping it safe for in case her Grandma starts remembering her.

"Wanna go? Or you got somewhere else to be?" I asked her gently

"Yeah... Arnold told me to wait for him here while the Science teacher finished scolding him" Satoushi say a bit giggly

I squinted my eyes and stared at the window. Arnold was being scolded and if am correct the green stain on the wall was his fault. Why? He has a few green in his face shirt and hair. What was it that he did? I do not know and I do not want to find out. I tell Satoushi ok and I went to Michael before he left. Orlando kept his eyes on me but luckily he won't remember what happened between me and him. If another vampire comes up and attack him maybe it will shake his memorie up. But not fully.

My powers are very strong so it never fails me and so I stared at the distance. Dodging every person and object as I walked and stared at the nothing. Celeste on my mind. She must be very old to have had memory lost. Plus to be alive all this time. Its been a 105 years since my slumber and she is still alive. Crazy. Did she drink a bit of the blood I left? She must be almost a hundred years old.

I have to go see her. She has information I started searching for her scent but there is so many scents. I can't locate hers.

"Michael... Where is Celeste located?" I asked Michael a bit coldly

"Celeste? I'll show you Aunt Ruby..." Michael says gently and a bit nerves

"Good" I replied gently

I would never hurt anybody related to Kyle and Lua'na but I shall not tolerate no unsoburdinance. I sighed out and every turn he took I felt lost. Is it really that far? But he takes a turn towards an entrance of a building. I looked around and in a instant I caught Celeste's scent. I ran towards it. I felt joy. I felt happy. I know she will be very old by know. But I want to see her. So badly.

A human with her scent was rocking back and forth in a chair. Creeky piece of wood. Always makes an annoying sound. I took gentle steps towards her. She being elderly and of age to pass on. She is weak of heart. I smiled gently and stood behind her.

"Its been years Celeste" I spoke gently

She stops rocking and she grips the handle of the chair "Rose?"

"The one and only" I speak softly as I take gentle steps towards her

"I can't believe it..." She says excited

Celeste stands up and very so slowly turns around. Tears cascaded down as she saw me. Her arms raised gently as if to give me a hug. I hugged her as gently as I could as tears started to slide down my face.

"You look the same as 105 years ago..." Celeste comments gently

"Yeah... I pressume that you drank my blood too early?" I asked her as I slowly parted from our hug

"Yes... But you did mention if drank a bit more than expected... It will cost memory lose and maybe fatal other side effects included..." She says gently and then looks out the window as birds sang "Never expected to see faces and not recognize them... These people... A adolescent keep calling me mom or great grandma... Rose I don't know them but I believe them"

"The adolescence you believe for the reason you handed down the Journel to her... Basically skipping your whole lineage" I tell her gently with a smile

"Yes... She even has the Spell Book of Revival and De-cursing... It took me all these years but I found it..." She tells me her eyes gently close as she shakily whipes her tears away

"I miss you all so much..." I tell her gently as tears streamed down my face

"We all missed you too... Lea was the one who got hurt the most... Her brother... Maddie... You... It took such a toll that the day we got spotted by army scouts she shielded me and a baby from the gunshots..." Celeste explains with tears in her eyes

My heart tore apart at the new found information. Lea sacrificed herself for everyone. I knew she was pure and innocent but never knew she was this brave. Reckless and stupid. I throat twisted as I knew Celeste had this memory fresh being the only thing she can remember. She started shaking as her tears got worse. She tries to sniffle but she used her nightgown to clean her muckus.

"I know its been a decades since the incident but... Its fresh on my mind... As if it was just yesterday" she says shakily

"Everything will be ok... Would... Would you like for me to take you away from this pain?" I asked her gently as I raise my hand gently

"Can I say my good byes first? I know I don't remember them but... I would like to bid my good byes" she tells me gently

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