"Why didn't you just let him figure it out? How did you even get in here?" I asked her annoyed

"He invited me in..." She says gently as she points to Arnold

"Should have guessed... What do you want?" I asked angrily

"For you to cooporate with Nate and I... All we want is eternity... Thats all..." Maddie tells me gently

"Thats not all..." I tell her with arms crossed

"Lea is included" she glares at me

"Its a no... On both!" I snapped as I got into a battle stance

"Oh... Please don't fight me with a human watching" Maddie taunted as she laughs

I groaned out "Human or not he has become a friend... I shall not let you poison his brain"

"POISON! She told me everything your a monster!" Arnold yells at me angrily 

I sighed out and just rubbed my eyes "See this is why I hate making human friends to satisfy my families ego!" 

Arnold stares behind me and there stood Satoushi she trembled as I looked to what she was looking at. Nate was also here and I protected Satoushi from his eyes. I know he isn't a vampire he is a ghoul waiting for my blood to return him to his full glory. To a body that is not his own. I felt a growl wanting to rise up my throat but all I could do was groan out in annoyance. I stood straight and just looked away. Pain was starting to form in my chest but I took my chance and just didn't care. I appeared in seconds in front of Nate and grabbed him by the throat. 

He glares at me and the stench of rotten flesh comes from his mouth. He ate human flesh. Man that is so low even for him. I just tightened my grip on his throat. My arm exploded but it regenerated in seconds. I looked at Maddie who is glaring at me as well. Nate's hand stabs at my shoulder and I almost screamed out in pain. 

"Come on try that again you bitch!" Nate snaps at me from behind  ready to fight me

I quickly spinned and shopped his head of with my hand. Nate looked surprised at my attack but smiled widely. So maniac. So much poison in his soul. Arnold was staring at us all this time. Maddie gasped surprised but a ghoul cannot die like that. I just laughed and it sounded so dark I think I just want to see more blood. I want more. More. My body went stiff as I felt so much thrill seeing so much blood. Feeling pain. I felt eyes on me and I looked up. Lea. Little Lea. I looked away angry at myself and I just couldn't bare it anymore. 

I could feel Lea's pain and remorse. She is feeling sad and I can see the pain in her eyes. But I need to end this. If I don't people will still die and Lea will be hurt badly. He had tried hurting her once am not letting that happen again.

I looked at Arnold and he looked terrified and I just groaned out angrily "You will pay for this!" 

I looked and noticed Maddie picking up Nates head and his body right beside Maddie. I raised my hand I wanted to burst them into flames. The next thing I know Lea and Arnold stop me and fire shot to the curtains beside me. I push them away and I tried to kill the two but they teleported away. I glared to the side towards Arnold then at Lea. 

"I can't believe this!" I snapped angrily 

"You can't kill him... Not again" Lea panics as she starts crying 

I sighed out and just say "He is not your brother anymore... He has been killing and he still wants to kill others... He wants my blood to return to his normal state... When he use to hit you and tell you that you were weak... Had tried turning you!" 

Lea looks at me with wide eyes "No... Please... You can use your powers to erase his memory change him..." 

"I will do my best..." I looked at Arnold and I felt pissed to no limit "You... What if I had hurt you with that fire! Why the fuck did you stop me you filthy human... I expect it from Lea and its fucking understandable but from you! What is your goal human?!"

He looks at Satoushi then at me and he stands up trembling "I want to live forever! I hate my body and how weak it is! I want to protect the one I love with all my heart and if I live forever I can always protect her how many times they try to kill me I will still be standing"

"Nate thought the same thing..." I tell him calmly but I snapped at him "But look at him know! The moment you taste human blood you will never remember the promise you make to the one you love... You will only think blood... Crave blood... You will kill the one you love! You won't be able to eat any human food! So its a pathetic wish!" 

He looks at me with wide eyes. Lea hugs me tightly and I looked away. I knew my arm was already healed dos I didn't care. It still hurts like hell. I grabbed him by the shirt and raised him high as he holds my wrist afraid. His glasses fall off of his face and I just glared at him. I felt so annoyed and I just didn't want to handle humans like him. 

"Live the life you have... You don't know how I longed to go back and time and just stop myself from doing that damn curse! I wanted to be human... AND THIS! THIS WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED!" I say with a raspy tone as I felt like crying but I keep speaking "I became a ruthless bitch for a fucking reason! OPEN YOUR EYES! THIS... ALL THIS IS NOT AS EASY AS I AM SHOWING YOU! I WAS NEVER TURNED I CURSED MYSELF! FOR WANTING MY PARENTS BACK AND IT NEVER HAPPENED!" 

His eyes wide open and I let him drop to the floor and I looked at Lea. I removed her from my body and I walked away angrily. I needed time alone. Kyle looks at me and followed me he had a worried expression. Lua'na also followed. I growled and I just appeared at the roof. I needed time alone. Feel the sun in my skin. Even if it ached a bit but I wanted to feel the sun. Up here is pretty windy and so I just felt a relief in me as I let all the tears stream down. 

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