ii - The Man Across the Street

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The week of school flew by faster than the winter snow from Crest's driveway. Darken could feel the sunlight coming from his window as he pulled back his sheets from his bed. He turned to his side and had his feet collide with the cold wooden floor. Chills went up his back as he began to walk to the window. His ears began to pick up crashes and screeches the closer he got.

A moving truck.

Even before Darken was adopted, that house was always on the market. Crest always said it bothered her because of how old it was.

The house across the street.

He tried to swallow but his throat was so dry it hurt. He always enjoyed being alone and not having to deal with annoying neighbors. That was the only thing Crest and him could agree upon.

Darken sighed aloud, and began to walk down the loud wooden steps. Crest was cooking in the kitchen. This was an even more vague sight then him having friends.

Crest scoffed as she watched Darken sit down. "Enjoy sleeping in?" She slammed the pan on the stove and crossed her arms.

Darken smirked, picking up the toast on his plate and biting into it. "I did actually."

Crest began to open her mouth but was cut off by the doorbell.

Darken raised his eyebrows at her. "What are you looking at me for? Go be a help and answer it." The middle age woman scoffed and picked up her pan.

Darken tossed his toast on the glass plate and jogged to the door.

He tugged the door knob violently and was met with a brown set of eyes.

The man was tall, abnormally tall. He had a brown beard that went just below his nose and up to the sides of his face.

"Um Joe, Joe Harkin." The man held out his hand with a grin that was reaching ear to ear.

Darken was about to shake the man's hand when Crest intercepted him.

"Pleasure." She said taking him by the hand.

His eyebrows raised. "Oh no, the pleasure is all mine." He returned the smile.

Darken looked at the man up and down. "So, you are going to be our neighbor."

Crest kicked Darken, causing him to let out a groan.

"We're happy to meet you Joe." She responded to his kind smile.

Harkin cleared his throat. "Actually, neighbors."

Crest swallowed hard. "Oh?"

"My niece is here as well." Harkin said hastily.

She let out a sigh that could be heard for miles. "So, a niece huh?"

Harkin stared at Darken for a moment but then turned his attention back to Crest. "Um, yeah her parents started a new job this last December and with her only being minor at 16-"

"16?" Crest's eyes widened. While Darken's grew small.

"My boy here is 16!" Crest put on an animated smile and pulled him over by the shoulders.

Darken couldn't fathom the way Crest was acting. It was weird.

Harkin's eyebrows raised. "Well that's great!"

There was an awkward pause. Darken felt a brick drop in his stomach. He needed to escape the situation.

"Erm yeah." Darken nodded awkwardly.

This was the moment. Darken moved around Crest's limbs like it was an obstacle course. However, he didn't get very far.

"Oh no you don't!" She grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.

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