xviii - A Red Haired Wolf

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Perhaps, it was the twinkling of the stars, or the breeze of wind that grazed her ears as she walked along the path. The deeper she went into the woods, the less nervous she got. Anne had always been taught to appreciate the world around her. Walking through the Hollow Woods was just a reminder.

However, Anne's heartbeat suddenly accelerated when a possible scenario ran through her mind. She knew it would be hard for Darken to believe, especially when she didn't have all the facts with her. The most she could do would be to perform basic magic. It was obvious she wanted to tell him that she was a Soul Rider. The secluded part of her had been kept a secret for too long. She knew Elizabeth would be devastated, but this was something she had to do for herself. It was her burden to carry and her secret to tell.

This wasn't the only burden that was looming on her shoulders.

Anne loved Darken dearly. As much as she didn't like to admit, she had felt something for him since the day he had fell out of his bedroom window. His clumsiness, the way his red hair fell right along his face, and the way his gaze gave her reassurance in every doubtful situation. He trusted her, and she trusted him. But could she tell him? And if she did, would he feel the same?

She had now reached her destination. Darken was nowhere in sight. She let out a loud sigh and sat herself on the grass, setting her head in her palm.

After a few minutes had passed by, Anne started to feel a bit sick. The anticipation was nauseating and she was starting to regret not bringing one of the other Soul Riders with her. However, her heart jumped out of her chest when she heard the faint sounds of footsteps on the grass. She took a deep breath before turning around. She was expecting to see his tall figure, dark red hair, and his glowing blue eyes that could even be seen in the dark.

Per contra, her eyes were met with brown ones, and extremely light red hair. She didn't need to get closer to him to know exactly who it was. She gulped, panic ran through her blood stream. "What are you doing here, Everett?"

The boy stepped out from the shadows, taking off his hood. "I'm surprised it took you this long to figure out who I was." He smirked.

The two stayed there for a moment, not keeping their eyes off each other. There was no one around, no one to here Anne's cry for help, not even the Druids could help her.

Anne's immediate instinct was to play dumb. She slowly stood up, stalling to respond. "I don't know what your talking about." She bluffed.

He chuckled, much too unpleasant for Anne's liking. He reached in the pocket of his hood, pulling out two journals, labeled Ophelia and Crimson.

Her eyes widened.

His smirk only grew. And with that, Anne knew she had made terrible mistake.

"Do these look familiar to you?" He quizzed, raising an eyebrow.

She inhaled softly, causing her voice to transition into a mumble. "What do you want from him?" She looked at him with pleading eyes.

Everett stepped closer to her. The sound of every footstep from the forest floor clouding her brain. He cupped her cheek. "You can make this stop." He mumbled back at her.

Her eyes swelled up with tears. She hated Dark Core, The Druids, and most importantly herself. If she hadn't brought Darken here in the first place, he would still be safe in Norway. He would be taking care of his horses, doing Crest's chores, and still dreaming of riding.

He let go of her cheek, beginning to lace his fingers together. "Dark Core has a proposition."

Anne stood there, wordlessly. She looked up at the sky, attempting to keep her tears inside her eyes.

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