xiii - The Prophecy

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Swallowing hard, Darken began to lower his stirrups.

"Psst." She whispered.

Darken whirled his head around. "What?" He mouthed.

"Don't fall." Elise mouthed back.

He nodded in thanks to her encouraging word efforts.

Darken took in a heavy breath, and let it out slow. You got this. He repeated the sentence over several times in his head. He turned to his right to find Anne beaming at him. She believed in him, and knowing that brought him much more comfort than what he thought he needed.

He gradually lead Vega to the mounting block. He came to a halt, swinging the reins over the horse's head. As he approached the mounting block, his heart beat began to exceed rapidly. He stepped up the mounting block and put his left foot in the stirrup, swinging his leg over.

His hand was still gripped tightly on Vega's mane. He let out a sigh and gradually released his hand full of the horse's hair.

He was riding Vega.

The white horse whinnied as he nudged his heel into the horse's side, cueing him to walk.

Elizabeth gave a proud smile at the boy. "You see. Magic." She turned to Elise.

Elise studied Darken as he walked around the arena on Vega. He looked a lot more relaxed and the horse seemed to be under his control all too well.

"Your turn Elise."

Elise gulped. She wasn't the person to show fear, but this horse freaked the heck out of her. The raven haired girl always was taught the saying "Never let them see you sweat." It helped control her emotions in frightening situations. However, now, nothing could prepare her for what she was about to do.

Elise made her way over to the mounting block, leading the black Friesian behind her. When they reached the block, she quickly tried to climb it, causing Melania to get spooked and rear.

"AHH!"  She jumped back in fear, almost falling off of the block.

Darken's eyes widened as he immediately dismounted from Vega. He didn't want another incident happening with his horse being spooked.

Elizabeth rushed over, taking the reins. "Whoa.." She mumbled.

The mare reared again, knocking Elizabeth off her feet.

"Melania!" Darken yelled from across the arena.

The students watched in disbelief as the horse stopped immediately. Darken cautiously approached the horse with his palm facing her. "Easy.." His voice grew softer. "Easy."

Justin and Anne looked at each other with wide eyes. The suspension was un-nerving. Horses were extremely unpredictable, especially in a situation like this.

Melania dug her hooves into the dirt with a snort.

"You're okay.." Darken said calmly, continuing to approach her.

Elizabeth's mouth gaped open. To say she was in awe would've been an understatement.

He slowly grabbed the side of the reins and ran his hand across her. "Easy."

Melania's ears perked forward at the sound of his voice.

Elizabeth had never seen anything like it. A horse rider (barely with any experience at all) had calmed down a star breed.

A star breed.

Anne bit her lip. She was a nervous wreck examining this. At any point Melania could turn on him, rear, buck, run him over...

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