xi - Jorvik

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It was Friday, four days since Darken had started packing for the summer. It felt strange at how fast time had gone. How much he had accomplished with his two new friends, Anne and Justin. The spring semester of school could not have passed more slowly. Darken couldn't wait for what was awaiting him on the mysterious island.

Needless to say, Crest was in the best mood he had ever seen. She yelled at him a total of forty two times over the past two months.

And with the beginning of June upon them, the trio was preparing for their three month vacation, ready to train with the Valedale Equestrian Team.

The three of them were going to take a flight to Sweden, followed by a boat ride to take them to the island, which, Justin and Anne had taken plenty of times.

Darken had never been on an airplane or boat before, so he couldn't help but feel nervous. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Justin rolled his eyes. "Here we go."

"Darken, we talked about this, you have nothing to be afraid of." Anne looked at him knowingly.

Darken paced around the terminal ignoring her. "What if we crash?"

Justin sighed. "Get a grip!"

Anne nudged him.


"You get a grip, he's never done this before!" Anne snapped.

Darken shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. "No, -no he's right. I just need to calm down.."

"Dark..." Anne slowly walked towards him. "We'll be right there beside you."

Darken grinned at the idea of Anne being so close to him.

She glanced at the clock on the wall. "We should be boarding anytime now."

Justin groaned. "The nightmare begins!"

"Seriously? It's a two hour flight!" Anne threw her hands up in the air.

Darken gasped "Two hours? This was definitely a bad idea.." He paced around even faster, biting his nails.            

Anne sighed. "You guys are unbelievable." She crossed her arms.

After the plane had finally boarded and the machine was in the sky, there was a feeling of relief that set in Anne. However, most of the time was spent trying to calm Darken down.

"Is that normal?

What does that beep mean?

I really have to go to the bathroom.

We're dropping!"

Anne laced her hand into Darkens.

His mouth slightly gaped open. He was shocked at how delicate and soft her hands were. He felt a sudden rush of relief flood through his veins. It felt right to be holding Anne's hand.

"Feeling better?"

Darken nodded as he readjusted himself in the seat, his face heating up.

Anne smiled and grabbed a magazine in front of her. "Good."

The plane took a while to dock at the terminal once they had landed. This caused a minor delay in catching their taxi. Not to mention, Justin getting distracted in the gift shops.

The taxi ride was short and smooth. They barely had to deal with any traffic, and Anne didn't here the boys bicker once.

To their surprise, the ferry was still parked at the dock, waiting for them.

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