xxxv - Darko

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Those four words...

Just those four, meant everything to Anne Von Blyssen.

Her breathing hitched. She knew he loved her, but the way he said it this time felt different. His eyes never once drifted from her gaze and his breathing remained steady. In this moment, everything went quiet. It even seemed the sea had calmed just to listen to Anne.

"Darko." She whispered.

"Darken." He corrected her, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'll always be Darken." He softly smiled.

Tears travelled down her pale cheeks. "I know." She sniffed, leaning her forehead against his once more.

He put his arms around her waist once more, pulling her into his embrace.

Anne's eyes were shut completely as tears continued to fall. She wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face into his shoulder.

Darken slowly shut his eyes. He wanted to remember this feeling for as long as he could, even if he didn't remember for as long as he wanted too.

Being this close to one another was something the two of them wanted to experience for a while. However, the way they imagined it was not under these unfortunate circumstances. In the moment, the thought the two shared was attempting to imagine what their lives would be like without the other.

Darken wouldn't remember, but Anne would.

Darken's arms tightened around Anne's waist. He didn't want to lose her, not like this.

The whole world could of been watching them for all they knew, but one thing they did know, was where both their feelings lied.

There was no miscommunication. And there were no questions.

Everything was answered right then and there.

Both of them seemed to read each other's minds as they both pulled out from one another's embrace.

Before he could move any farther Anne grabbed hold of his hand. The only thing connecting them now was their limbs.

The two's glassy stare lingered on one another for a moment before both of them slowly let each other's fingers untether.

Darken slowly walked backwards to where Mr. Sands was standing, never taking his look off of Anne.

Katja moved her neck side to side like she had been hurt when Alex knocked her to the ground. "Not to be a bother, but when can we get this show on the road?" She asked, continuing to stretch her neck in all directions.

Anne took in a sharp inhale as the thought of never seeing Darken again harassed her mind.

Darken was then met with the cold eyes of the Druid's biggest enemy, Mr. Sands. The man gave him a smile that told him his exact feelings about the situation.

The man had gotten his way. He'd won this battle and the Druids had to sit there and watch them finish what he had been planning all along.

It took Elizabeth everything she had not to keep Darken from drinking the fluid, but in the end, her efforts would be worthless. The prophecy had been set in stone since the beginning, it was beyond any of the Druid's control.

Darken gulped as Mr. Sands handed him the glass bottle that held the foggy red fluid. To his own disbelief, his hands were steady as he took the bottle into his grasp.

"When you're ready, Darko." He said slowly.

The man's voice was already unnerving to the boy. However, the way he said his new name made shivers run down his spine. He didn't want to do this.

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