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"Yangzi, don't escape after eating": "Women, eat not to escape" chapter directory 011 will have a period

    Feng Yuyao was shocked. His slender palm was slightly thin, and her crimson lips were a little bit painful.

    "Li Mincan, you are letting go!" Feng Yaoyao opened his hand and gave him a white look. "It is not chasing me anyway!" She said that she was heartless.

    She lifted up the sleek and filigree jade finger licking her darling, plump and radiant, like the lips of the March peach blossom, and said, "Look, this has just been hurt by you!"

    "I'm sorry - or else, you can get me like this, just when I lose you

    !" Li Mincan bowed his head slightly. After saying this, his handsome face was blushing.

    Then, he also put his exquisite white face into the eyes of Feng Xiaoyao, who can smell the violet fragrance on his body, and let the windy Yao Yao's heart thump.

    He sniffed the scent of the faint virgin at her neck. Waiting for him to lift his eyes, ah, that is a beautiful and stunning face, the clear eyes are slightly closed, the half-hanging eyelashes, bending out a beautiful arc, like a half-open classical fan.

    The small nose is quite pretty, like the delicate red lips covered with rain and dew, revealing the ultimate temptation. The white cheeks have a hint of ruddy cheeks on the cheeks, like the first red plums.

    Hey, the stranger's footsteps are getting closer and closer -

    "Cut, no need!" Feng Yaoyao screamed in the footsteps, depressed and quickly pushed him away, his eyes were far away, and then she was unable to smash. Head, heart, strange, how is it that Feng Lao and Situ Yan Lei took a group of people to search here? Is it to find her?

    "Go, let's go out! Because those people are not coming to chase me! Wind girl, you can now go down the mountain." Li Mincan was blown by the slight breeze, the red hot face, the beggar, finally returned to normal, he Slightly looking up and seeing the wind and the Yaoyao coming from the wind, they screamed at the wind and swayed Yao.

    "Yes, the person who is headed is my jealousy. He should bring me so many people to come to me! After you leave, can you come out again?" Feng Yao Yao thought, she must not let Situ Leilei saw his clothes draped in Li Mincan's body.

    "Er... well!" Although he did not know why the wind girl was so embarrassed, he immediately agreed, he has his own considerations, and now his identity is special, it is better not to see the love of the girl!

    "Li Mincan, there will be a period later!" Feng Yaoyao smiled at him.

    Li Mincan also laughed, and the crystal-like scorpion is like a clear stream, making people feel like a spring breeze.

    "Well, the wind girl, there will be a period." He thought he and she will definitely meet again.

    Yes, he is looking forward to it!

    "Yes, the wound on your body only needs to be coated with some gold sore medicine. After half a month, you can get it right!" Feng Xiaoyao thought of something, and then reminded him


    "Yaoer - Yaoer-" is the shout of the old man, from far and near.

    "Hey, I am here!" Feng Yaoyao listened, and immediately stood up from the grass, and lifted the blood-stained skirt to the front of the wind.

    "Yao Er, you haven't returned to the government overnight, and you have found a lot of places for the father. This is not. I heard that Joan said that you left the Songhe Building with Situ's family last night, so it is early for the father. I went to find the Situ family to find you." The wind did not hold the wind and Yao, excited to look at it and looked at it. When she saw the blood on the windy Yao skirt, he immediately worried.

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