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"Yangzi, don't escape after eating": "Women, eat not to escape" chapter directory 071 men's contest, blazing (fine)


    a sly male and female love, Feng Yaoyao let Situ Yulei go back first, and she fell asleep deeply.

    On the second morning, after Feng Xiaoyao used the morning meal, he took the purple cloud and took the carriage to the direction of Xiaohu in Yunhu.

    When the wind did not hear about the actions of Bai Xiating, it was a fierce cough.

    "Hey, don't you worry?" Feng Yuyao worried that he couldn't stand the stimulation.

    "Yaoer, no matter, this thing will be the master for you!" The wind said nothing, and said, "Yao, you should go back first! You are very tired, you want to lie down for a while."

    The tone of the wind is quite a bit Feeling powerless, he waved his hand to signal her to leave.

    "Okay, then I am gone. Hey, you are careful." Feng Yaoyao did not think that Feng Laojiao did not blame her because she put the white night pavilion under house arrest.

    "Well, I should go back the day after tomorrow

    ." The wind nodded and nodded.

    Feng Yuyao knows that the old man is because the Yunhu Xiaozhuang has a hot spring pool, and he came here to raise the disease.

    On the way to Yunxiao Xiaozhuang, you will pass the Qiuqiu Racecourse in Lushan.

    Today, the weather is fine, and there is no cloud. Therefore, Fengyao Yao enjoys the beautiful scenery on the roads along the way, but sees the lush vegetation, the wildflowers and the colorful butterflies flying.

    "Autumn 澜 horse race? Hey, Missy, isn't that Wen Gongzi?" Ziyun's eye-catching eyes saw a figure of Chang Junyi standing outside the Qiuqi horse farm.

    "I will take a look." Feng Yaoyao also glanced far away, confirming that the man was really warm.

    "Traveling far--" Feng Xiaoyao shouted.

    Wen Xingyuan heard the sound, immediately turned and flew, and stood under the carriage and asked, "Yao, how can you pass the Qiuyi Racecourse?"

    "Occasionally passed." Feng Yaoyao replied plausible, I think the old man chose Yunhu Xiaozhuang to treat the old disease, it is certainly not wanting too many people to know, so she will not break her mouth.

    "If you are not in a hurry, let's go together! You are clear, and your cousin will wait for them to come here." Wen Xingyuan smiled and invited.

    "Do you mean that my cousin will come too?" Feng Xiaoyao asked if Su Muyan would come?

    "Yes, there are also Beitang brothers and sisters will come." Wen Xingyuan told the truth.

    "I don't want to see them, I will go first." Feng Yaoya put down the carriage curtain and wanted to urge the driver to drive away in the carriage.

    "Yuyao cousin--" Su Muyan's long-distance ride on the high-headed horse immediately saw Wen Jiayao who was talking and laughing with Wen Xingyuan. He now changed a white horse, tall and strong, and it seems to be a thousand miles. .

    "Su Shaozhu, what do you ask me to do?" Feng Yiyao thought that he had almost been the Xuan Haochen's magic hand, and naturally had no good attitude towards Su Muyan, so he restored the atmosphere of her and him.

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