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"Yangzi, don't escape after eating": "Women, don't escape after eating" chapter directory 041 Like me?

    "Mincan--" Feng Yaoyao stretched out his white arms and hooked his neck, which made Li Mincan stunned, because the voice of Feng Xiaoyao suddenly became charming and soft.

    "Do you like me?" Feng Yaoyao looked seriously at his dark and deep shackles.

    Li Mincan Li Majun's face was hot and hot, and the light flashed. The whole heart missed a beat. I don't know what the beautiful woman asked.

    "I don't like it? I know that no one likes Yao. Hey, Situ Gongzi said that he wants to marry me to be an outside room. I am better than blind, and I only have to close his eyes!" Feng Yuyao deliberately tested him. Said faintly.

    "Yaoer!" Li Mincan did not know why he was confused by the words of Feng Yaoyao, and suddenly he was angry.

    "I know what I am calling? Don't you have to remind me so loudly?" No, it must be done again. Her hunting plan can't be so in vain.

    "Yao, what's wrong with you? Why do you ask me this question I like or dislike?" Li Mincan looked at her doubtfully.

    "I'm bored!" White gave him a look, and she seemed to push him away and stand up.

    "Yao, be careful!" Li Mincan saw her twitching and wanted to stand up and quickly stopped.

    Fortunately, Li Mincan reached out and stopped, otherwise Feng Yaoya might have to fall to the ground.

    "How is it so self-willed? Not saying it, I am carrying you!" Although he did not want to admit that he liked this little woman, his emotions were still affected by her every move.

    When he was about to pick her up again, she expected her to tighten his neck this time.

    Li Mincan was afraid of moving by the wind and Yao, and a heart seemed to break out.

    Feng Xiaoyao stared at Li Mincan’s tight and sexy lips, swallowed her mouth and slowly put her own lips, but I thought about it, I didn’t know the fairy, the kiss, the kiss. The immortal beautiful man's brother is also good, who makes the immortal beautiful man's brother also such a handsome, think of here, she fiercely closed her eyes, delicate petals like the cherry lips kissed up


    "Oh oh..." God, Feng Yaoyao was completely like a smashed eggplant, and Li Mincan actually caught her cherry mouth. That handsome face has also become a big red!

    "Li Mincan, what do you mean by this? The girls are so active, you are actually! Or do you dislike Yao Yao as Qi Wang said? You only look down on me?" She said that she had a look of despair. The sorrowful eyes glared at him.

    "Oh, no, I don't believe that I can't find a man with the wind and the wind." She snorted, and she was very proud of the white pigeon on her chest. Mei laughed, "I talked with Jin Ran very much, such a beautiful man, I will seduce it." Feng Yaoyao absolutely deliberately said this, but she still depends on his arms, and did not really want to go back to nine The meaning of the sound temple.

    Li Mincan suddenly turned black and looked at her with a sly look. "What do you want to do at the end? The ankle is hurt like this, you are still uneasy!" The tone contained the anger of the mountains, she actually wanted to seduce men. And that man is still his brother!

    "I am safe and unconcerned with your bird! Go away!" He gave his face a shameless face, and finally he was tempted to play tricks. Who expected this man to push her away and let her self-confidence collapse! It’s really unreasonable, so he’s still embarrassing himself!

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