Chapter 2: Noted

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Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

"I can't do this father." Jeongguk says to his father.

"Why?" Jaehwan asks. Jihyun and Jaehwan were trying to persuade Jeongguk to agree to the marriage but the Crown Prince wouldn't budge.

"Because I don't want this and neither does prince Taehyung so why are you all doing this against our will." Jeongguk utters.

"How do you know prince Taehyung doesn't want this? You haven't even talked to him." Jaehwan says.

"I don't have to talk to him. Didn't you both saw how he reacted to this?" Jeongguk replies, raising his voice a little. Then he remembers Taehyung's teary eyes and feels a tug at his heart bit dismisses it.

"Taehyung is an omega Jeongguk dear. So am I and trust me, being an omega is not easy." Queen Jihyun says with a saddened voice. Jeongguk furrows his eyebrows.

"And above all, a male omega, wanted by every ruthless Alpha out there. What do you think huh? Is it easy for Sehyun and Yoona to hide such a blessing from the ruthless world outside? King Sehyun only wants his son to be safe and he believes you can keep him safe." Jihyun finishes.

Jeongguk feels so so bad right now. He never knew being a blessed creature can be so dangerous. How can someone want to even thing of hurting such a precious being.

"But why?" Jeongguk whispers and Jihyun smiles, walking towards his son.

"Because when the beauty catches your eye, it can either lead to something good or it can lead to a darkness beyond our imagination." Jihyun says.

"So prince Taehyung will be safe with me and not here?" Jeongguk asks and his mother nods.

"That's ridiculous." Jeongguk scoffs.

"Your father saved me from the darkness that lurks outside and I will forever be grateful of him for that. Why can't you do the same for someone else and save their life." Jihyun says. Jeongguk just can't seem to grip his emotions right now.

"Besides, you have to get married sooner or later so what if it's Taehyung? He's beautiful and sweet and will be a blessing for the whole Kingdom." Jihyun smiles and Jeongguk unconsciously nods.

"Just go talk to him, I'm sure you will change your mind. And I really like him, he will be a perfect husband to you." Jihyun says. Jeongguk takes a deep breath.

Jeongguk was sure of one thing which was that he feels a faint connection to Taehyung. Then hearing about his mother's hardships as an omega was enough to make him thing again about the proposal.

Then everytime he would think about Taehyung, how his fragile body was shaking under his touch and those tears were enough to make him shudder. Jeongguk wants to see Taehyung.

Even Hoseok kept saying to Jeongguk to just agree to the proposal because Hoseok approved Taehyung will be the best life partner Jeongguk could ever ask for and being a male omega is a plus.


Taehyung was lying on his bed, tucked under the blankets with a mild fever after what happened yesterday. His parents and brothers came to him and it didn't really go how he wanted it to be.

"How can you even deny when both sides agree?" Taehyung's father say and Taehyung sighs under his blanket.

"I don't want to marry him." Taehyung whispers.

"Kim Taehyung!" Taehyung flinches at his name booming in his chamber.

"You will agree to this marriage and that's final. I am doing this for your own good so please try to understand." Sehyun says, though his last words tremble a little and he walks out of Taehyung's room. Yoona kisses his son and leaves as well, tears in her eyes.

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