Chapter 24: Agony

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Ignore the mistakes plz :) Boring 

Third Person POV

Jeongguk sat kneeled on the floor, clutching his chest as Daniel rushed past him, Taehyung in his arms to the palace. Hoseok was immediately by Jeongguk's side but the Crown Prince swat his hand when Hoseok touched his shoulder, any physical touch was painful to Jeongguk.

"Jeongguk, let's go back, please." Hoseok says. Jeongguk closes his eyes, refusing to believe whatever has happened.

"Jeongguk?" Hoseok says again and Jeongguk just wants to be alone.

No, I want to see Taehyung. He just wants to be alone.

"Jeongguk please."

"You can go, I'll be right behind you." Jeongguk utters, gritting his teeth to hold the pain not be voiced out but even if he tries to hide it, Hoseok knows how much pain he is in.

"I am not leaving you alone, either you let me stay with you or you come back with me." Hoseok states firmly.

"I don't want to go there." Jeongguk says, voice so broken.

"Don't be stupid Jeongguk, you need to go and see him. You are the only one he would atleast want to see when he wakes up." Hoseok tries to make Jeongguk come to the palace with him because he knows leaving Jeongguk at this moment won't be wise.

"Please Jeongguk, you both need eachother." Hoseok utters and Jeongguk nods though he is not ready for anything.


Taehyung woke up to only one thing, the stinging pain on his neck. Taehyung kept squirming, scratching the mark but it did not go away. The moment he opened his eyes, the pain increased and it was unbearable. His hands were in his neck and he kept clawing at the side, whimpering.

"Taehyung!" The omega hears a sweet yet panicked voice. His eyes let go of the blurriness and Taehyung sees Jihyun, tears in her eyes. Jaehwan was in the room as well as Seokjin and Namjoon.

But he couldn't focus on anything but the burning pain that spread throughout the body.

"Taehyung sweetie, don't do this." Jihyun stops Taehyung from scratching his neck but Taehyung pushes away her hands and sits up.

He cries louder when the pain intensifies and it felt like he would claw his neck and draw out blood. Seokjin hides his face in Namjoon's chest because he couldn't see his brother like this.

Taehyung's eyes glow blue and he screams on top of his lungs, nails drawing out blood from the beck. Then suddenly the door bursts open and everyone look at the entrance, finding Jeongguk breathing heavily and panicking.

He rushes towards Taehyung as Jihyun gets up and was heartbroken to see Taehyung like this, his chest tightening with pain again. His eyes widen when he sees blood on Taehyung's fingertips and then his neck, the omega's head hung low.

"Taehyung." Jeongguk softly says and the omega freezes. He slowly looks up, eyes still blue and the moment his eyes meet Jeongguk's, he starts whimpering. Jeongguk panics because that's exactly what he thought would happen. Taehyung would be scared of any other Alpha around him and Jeongguk is one.

Though Taehyung doesn't back away, rather he hesitantly brings his hand to touch Jeongguk's face.

"Gukk---Gukkie?" Taehyung utters as if making sure that his Alpha is really infront of him because yes, his Alpha. Jeongguk will always be his Alpha.

Jeongguk slowly nods and Taehyung exhales shakily.

"My-My Gukkie?" Taehyung sobs and Jeongguk nods. But when Jeongguk touches Taehyung's hand, the omega cries in pain and he immediately pulls away his hand.

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